2 clew newby

What JJJ said
Triple J Hottest 100 volume 6 (same era) had:
Disc 1 (all worth a listen although some bands unknown outside Australia)

Whoever Keanu played in Point Break
was much too close to the case.

What it really was missing was the sense of the Man of Steel as this incredibly fast and powerful force of nature; arriving instantly and shaking the ground; 6 feet wide across the chest; hugely fast and strong.

The original book has this memorable poop joke:

Who will play Woefully Fat?

90% of waking hours spent staring at glowing rectangles

Nice try.

Even if it's true, that doesn't mean it _defines_ you, right?

Miko - you are almost certainly right. Those are all good too. Picaresque novels may work better as TV.

The Culture novels of Iain M Banks
If we are after new science fictional ideas that paint a rosy future, The Culture is ideal.

They retain some philosophical weight, too.

Ideally with more Kevin Klein and Will Smith team ups. That never gets old. (The giant steam powered spider was OK if you could wait around that long.)

I always enjoyed Lem's "Tales of Pirx the Pilot", basically a picaresque of the far future. Key stories are the time paradocx (when his spaceship falls into timeslip - or something - fills with hundreds of copies of himself, all at slightly different points in time).
The translator may be responsible for the memorable

The Whitlams'

What JJJ said
Highlights of the JJJ Hottest 100 album for the Paranoid Android year include a couple of interesting things starting up or keeping on -

Batman? Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne is a badass.

Near Dark
Those Southern vampires in Near Dark -