Violet Strange

Depending on what the show's doing with the timeline at the moment, they might not have needed to go that far off course. At various points Egbert (or Ecbert or Ecgberht: spelling's optional) of Wessex was acknowledged as having Kent, Essex, Sussex, and Surrey, and took Mercia for a little while. By this point he


Between how Sara told Oliver to tell her family she died on the boat because she wanted them to remember the girl she was and the prisoner who prioritized killing her over escaping, I'm thinking she had enough shame/self loathing/whatever about her time with Ivo that she's not comfortable making a case that she

The problem there is that Oliver wouldn't really need to choose. I can't think of a scenario where Moira doesn't volunteer halfway through the threat or, in a situation where she can't, one where Oliver doesn't know that she'd insist he pick Thea if she could. And then everyone who's ever been a parent would give Thea

"Dearly departed Sabine/Celeste was who was just another victim caught up in the wake of destruction the Originals leave behind"

They've brought up the sire rule this season though. It's not like they've ignored it since starting the new series, which would've been the easiest place to dump it.

Wasn't the whole reason Elijah was willing to kill Klaus in the first place because he thought his family was permanently gone? Thrown in the ocean or something? And then Klaus got him to switch at the last minute by telling him that was a lie and that he could have them back.

2.) I thought Davina came back when Celeste died? Obviously she didn't need the Harvest ritual to come back since she was body-hopping long before that. I figured taking the place of one of the girls was a power boost since she didn't need a resurrection, and that power going back to Davina was why Celeste didn't use

Wikipedia says four out of five grew up in Maryland and only moved to Ohio for college, and Wiki wouldn't lie to me about this, would it? (Please let me keep my delusions.)

It isn't sales, it's that the majority of Aerosmith isn't from Massachusetts according to the criteria, which is birth state.

I was crossing my fingers for Chrissie Hynde, and willing to settle for Marilyn Manson if there was no other option. Rascal Flatts was an unpleasant shock.

Yes, Boyz II Men was that popular. "End of the Road" (their first hit) broke the record for most consecutive weeks as #1 single — a record previously held by Elvis that had stood for more than 30 years. When that was broken (by Whitney Houston with "I Will Always Love You" for pity's sake) they broke the new record,

Oh yeah, Whedon going for the early renewal is still a major cause. I just couldn't figure out any way it was the CW's fault. (I spent waaaay too much time paying attention to the beginning of the CW while waiting to see if they were going to kill Supernatural after one season.)

But the CW didn't cancel Angel. It was cancelled in early '04 while the CW wasn't deciding what shows to keep until '06 and the man who made the final decision to cancel it wasn't even working for the WB by then. (And never worked for the CW at all.)

Possibly not a coincidence — he did play a werewolf (well, half-wolf) in The 10th Kingdom, which was actually why I recognized him.

Perhaps centuries of vampire predation has lowered the town's collective I.Q. Anyone smart enough to notice the unusually high death rate was either murdered for being suspicious or sensibly moved as far away as possible.

Cody's disbelieving "You thought you could win?" after the real terms of the bet were revealed deserves at least an honorable mention, because Pete being reminded he can be as deluded as everyone else there is just so delightful.

No idea on the werewolf/witch thing. I figured they went with witch because a) (hybrid blood aside) it's kind of weird to call it a vampire after the previous episode made a big deal about vampires being dead and the solution was that the baby is alive, b) werewolves have to take a life before they're really

Except that last week a major plot element was burying and consecrating Esther, the baby's most recent witch ancestor, specifically to make her a New Orleans witch.

The entire point of burying Esther was to make her a New Orleans witch. Elijah explained it: "If we bury our mother on land owned by one of her descendents, she becomes a New Orleans witch; and we, as her family, share in that ancestral magic." That's why there was the whole spiel about how dead people (vampires)