Cool Lester Smooth

I think along with "Hush," "Helpless" and "Conversations With Dead People" are probably the scariest Buffy episodes, and this one was significantly scarier than those. There are some terrifying moments from Twin Peaks and Hannibal too but overall I don't know that I've seen a show as scary as this one.

I don't think it's about age at all… I'm 25 and Jessica Jones was my favorite superhero show until Legion. No need to shit on Arrow or Flash either. Those might not be as strong as JJ but they're both good shows and Daredevil season 2 was pretty much a mess (and apparently Iron Fist is a disaster). The Netflix Marvel

That line was INCREDIBLE. Kent is probably my favorite character.

This would be a great Emmy submission episode for her. Kim didn't make a huge impression on me in season 1 but god damn she's such a great character now.

Psychosomatic disorders are 'real' in the sense that Chuck actually is experiencing symptoms. There's not an underlying physiological cause but the symptoms are still real, in the same way that phantom limb pain is real.

I think giving this episode an "A" is grading on a serious curve, but it definitely was one of my favorite episodes in a while.

Nothing beats out Bob's Burgers for ridiculous scheduling hiatuses. I don't think they've aired more than three episodes in a row this whole season.

That was a reference to Earth-2 with Evil Caitlin and Evil Cisco.

I think by "return to form" she more just meant that it is a return to a more conventional CEG episode than the previous one.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but note to Allison: this wasn't the penultimate episode of the season, it was the antepenultimate. The trailer at the end used that infuriating "just one more episode before the season finale" line that should be outlawed.

I really think the Golden Globe is what saved CXG, so I'm SO glad that it happened. We're all aware of how infuriating and/or baffling award shows can be but they can also do some really cool things, and getting people to pay attention to/renew great but low-rated shows is one of those.

Seriously. The first wave of this was when we got far more seasons of Parks & Rec, Community, and 30 Rock than ever would have been possible before. And now this. What a gift!

Very much agreed. I think this episode needed to come now too because the plotting was starting to get a little too repetitive/predictable. As soon as Josh mentioned his flight number to Rebecca it seemed obvious where the episode was gonna be going, but then they really took it in a different direction with "I'm the

Eh, I think she wants somebody smart and cynical like Greg. I'm not sure she'd really be able to connect with Father Brah.

It gets even worse if you factor in shows that have a similar sensibility but not the LA setting (Girls, Looking, Catastrophe) or aren't live-action (BoJack Horseman). I love a lot of these shows but there's definitely a lot of fatigue that can set in. I imagine I'd probably enjoy Casual and Love but I can't bring

Immortal Technique is one of the more politically militant rappers out there. Not sure about his inclusion among those other artists (who, aside from Hopsin, I enjoy a lot! People just shouldn't be dicks about other hip-hop when praising the stuff they like).

I completely agree that a lot of the drama in the second half of the movie felt rushed. I actually wish this could have been a miniseries so the drama that made up the second half of the movie had more of a chance to breathe and expand. I still really loved the movie, and Joy coming out to the cop car made me sob more

The Sword isn't really very well-liked by online metal communities. A lot of people consider them a bastardization of other bands' sounds. Personally I'd hardly consider them a favorite but I think they have some really solid tracks and Freya is pretty amazing.

Yeah Opeth is one of the most popular metal bands in the US (certainly one of the most popular European metal bands at least) so they were probably not the best example. I don't know that he's 'vastly' overestimating the influence of Mastodon though. I think at this point they probably have more cultural influence

The opening of Godhead's Lament is one of my favorite musical moments ever. For some reason a lot of people seem to not really like White Cluster but I think it's fucking masterful. And Face of Melinda is incredible too. I'd say it's most definitely top-tier Opeth.