Yup, you're right! Wentworth Miller is basically every race, I think. Per Wikipedia: "his father is of African-American, Jamaican, German, and English ancestry; his mother is of Russian, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese ancestry"
Yup, you're right! Wentworth Miller is basically every race, I think. Per Wikipedia: "his father is of African-American, Jamaican, German, and English ancestry; his mother is of Russian, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese ancestry"
Yeah, I really didn't expect him to become one of my favorite characters on the show (and in the Arrowverse in general), but damn if the writers and Dominic Purcell haven't brought their respective A-games this season. Mick Rory was introduced as a cardboard villain of the week on The Flash and now he's a complex,…