Aaron Sorkin: "Yeah well, hmm…LOOK OVER THERE!" Runs away.
Aaron Sorkin: "Yeah well, hmm…LOOK OVER THERE!" Runs away.
Only that was before HE was promoted, to which he within 5 minutes went to go promote her.
"Top Overrated American myths: number 3. Bigfoot…"
Newsroom: Age Of Qwench.
Going to make the joke one more time for all times sake:
Was hoping for a meta reference to Slumdog Millionaire.
YES! and not because the scandal was going to make him sell the company back to Leona! Fucking Amazing.
I loved Sorkin using his series finale to take pot shots at 24's series finale. Never seen that show, but still, how meta….
I shouted "bullshit" a couple of times during the episode. That was one of them.
Jim Harper, trying to strong arm his girlfriend into staying in New York by giving her a promotion. Nothing unethical there.
And then she's immediately chastised by a Russian for doing it wrong…
If the show ends with Will McAvoy going to Canada to be a lumberjack, I swear…
Maybe, just maybe..it was a poor choice of music for the scene?
A little hostile there, guy.
"You maniacs, you really did it didn't you? You killed Will McAvoy!"
You guys, Jim and Maggie are finally together!
Neil is The Newsrooms Jesse Pinkman?
My Dad's reaction to Fellowship Of The Ring as we left the theater: "That was stupid."
"What's a library? Is it like a big Kindle?"
My opinions on him aside, It's good to have a President endorse science.