
Rebel- Spoiler….?
Okay lets get on those "see the future caps" and predict who Rebel is….


What are you seeing that I am not?
I was upset that they reset the show for "like" the fourth time. They just finished dividing the heroes into teams to go against each other and BAM! Let's do something new.
So they create a vision of Guantanamo prisoners, hooded orange jump suits, shackles, yes heroes as

Missing it already
Death, and life is what the show is all about. I will so miss with big wet doe eyes when this show is done. I love the characters and colors and costumes and relationships but I am one of too few fans. I had my family over for Thanksgiving and we were talking TV and I brought this show up as one of

I went right out to see this, and although the B rating it received could have been a B- I was alright with it. The story is small which helps to hold it together. I agree the end was a bit scattered but over all they created a good hallucinatory(sp?) effect that matched the content and the condition of many of the

The Faculty…..

good riddens

Oh the pain!
It is a real shame the the schemers(sp?) are always look like winners in this game. I would have never voted for Todd or Amanda, and although Courtney is a less than human being she at least followed through not orchestrating much backstabbing. Every show there is this "Nobal Manipulator" winner that to