
" jumbled, interconnected mess"

Very satisfying and very respectful closer. Everybody, cast and crew, should be very proud of the pleasure their artistry has evoked.

A. Classic.

Killing Raylan doesn't solve any of Markham's problems.

We won't be seeing Raylan interviewing nannies.

I like WInona as a character. She's been set as a foil rather than made to be Raylan's 'anima problem.'On the other hand, it seems she may capture a lot of anima problems in the viewing audience!

A. great plotting, terrific set pieces, and, Choo Choo.


Terrific episode in what's shaping up to be a rare example of how to polish off a great run.

The platter moment—that one.

It would, nevertheless, not be the feast the news director for the nightly report from Charming, Cali would have to manage.

Thanks! Briefcases full of cash, then, is a sign of sloppiness.

Excellent recap.

Grade: A

Good write-up to kick us off, or roll us down Harlan way. Sorry, Dewey, you're are not off to where the seventy virgins doll out, each, six dollar blowjobs.

Maybe Arlo buried something really valuable on the land, or,


The topmost producer is Timothy Olyphant.

Like almost every dramatic TV show, when technology and computer networks are required to be a plot device, the shows make a hash of it.

Sorkin turned down having Neal jump on a scooter and race head first—with a beatific smile—into the grill of an onrushing black limo.