
I just watched the series a few months ago. I liked it, but it was a little too accurate in its portrayal of High School. As someone who actually didn't hate HS that much, I found myself annoyed by the characters. Yeah, they're typical HS stereotypes, but HS students ARE stereotypes, forced to be by the crushing

GR remains on my to do list, I support its nomination


anthropic principle is meaningless. it considers one point of data, specifically that we exist, and comes to the logical conclusion that yes, we do indeed exist. it does rule out other theories that would conclude that we don't exist.

who knew guys in brown shirts could cause so much damage?

well, some people struggle with Heisenberg.
and Tarkovsky's, you're out of your element, stick with film.

a meteor? i thought it was a chrono-synclastic infindibulum.

It's a shame about the SSC
but as far as ways for politicians to funnel tax money to their corporate sponsors, science lacks the profitability and public support of, say, protecting us from brown people.

Hyperspace was a very good book. Kaku does exactly what he said he intended to do: write books that fill the void between worthlessly easy and prohibitively difficult. Somehow he still finds time to be a theoretical physicist. mad respect.

the Penn is mightier

Lord of the Rings
saw the first movie at a midnight showing, the audience was pumped, and I hadn't read any of the books and had no idea what was about to unfold. I didn't have any expectations going in, and I was blown away by that 3 hours of awesomeness.

yeah, AD. Also, the Matrix without the retroactive taint of the sequels

P is for Portman
P is for pussy
I'll kill your fuckin' dog for fun
so don't push me

thanks for the link, geogreg. casts that episode of Futurama in a whole new light.

watch it, then audition, then visitor q

conversely, apollo18 by TMBG is better on shuffle

and map of what is effortless by telefon tel aviv

kid a, dark side, yoshimi, love supreme, and donuts

clearly spike doesn't "get" it

we've come to fork in the road, but it cuts like a knife