Hold On Now Youngster

The movie was a goofy off-kilter oh-fuck-it-fest falling victim to its own popularity. It got big-time oversold by unfunny douchenozzles which caused the movie to get culturally over-saturated and ground into dust.


Correction: Megaman waits patiently by an impenetrable steel wall with a giant Capcom logo on it. Behind said wall lies a phone. Capcom execs proceed to huff paint, eat crazy pills, and greenlight another Monster Hunter game.

And yet Big Smo gets a heavily-promoted series on A&E. Truly, the universe is a cold, indifferent place.

That's just general life advice.

As much as I love my Android devices, iOS has some not insignificant advantages.

"Her latest single, 'Come Back Lover,' is sultry and full of swagger, a perfect track for…a stern 'fuck off.'"

This is a Hella good comment.

I'm not entirely sure that Berkeley qualifies as urban.

For the record: I am a grown man and Powerpuff Girls is fucking awesome. Then again, Genndy Tartakovsky was involved, and he is the man.

They prefer something else be long.

…but Frank Ocean and Okkervil River are better than The Eagles.


Sorry I'm late, there was a raging debate on an IFLS article about vaccinations I had to get in on. Is this dick-slapping fight over?

I'm upvoting this because I too like to write long, slightly rambling comments that nobody has the attention span to read.

Haha - I know far too many people like that (half my family tree, actually…), but I myself left the east coast because I couldn't stand that (extremely real) insular mentality any more. Guess I'm still learning.

I have a buddy who goes into bars and plays with the digital jukeboxes with the sole intent of pissing off his fellow patrons. You'd like him.

Sorry, Mr. Joel is a bit too drunk at the moment to do anything but be a waste of carbon. I guess he's just a good Long Islander like that.

This article reminded me that I have to book a dentist's appointment soon.

I still have all kinds of love for Justin Townes Earle's take on Atlantic City.