
I think it's naff ofthe band:

Surely a sad musician who stole when he didn't need to is a perfect drummer for an emo dirge troupe?

A pretentious Australian? For fuck's sake, haven't we suffered enough with Germaine Greer?

What? Can't  afford an iPad? You prole.

Portland, Oregon or Portland, Maine? It doesn't matter. Both of them are smoking trash heaps to anyone whose seen even Cleveland, Ohio.

Phipps, please don't tell us about your life.

I'm still waiting for Land & Order: Mattress Label Police Undercover.

Black teens living humdrum lives in the city. We could call it The Cosby Show.

The AVClub is taking Whitey seriously?

I also like to fuck offensively.

Since she had her tits off.

Well, I sure am looking forward to seeing Frasier again. He's a Mayor now, is he? Well, I'm sure he'll be the same old Frasier; ie a pompous ass from a 1930s musical.

"Christina Applegate and Will Arnett
play married professional types who have their first baby late in life
and have trouble integrating parenthood into their busy schedules."

Well I would, if Frasier were also set in a Boston bar and featured all the old regulars except Sam.

"That new show starring Lucius Malfoy looks pretty interesting"

Nothing new, clever or interesting.

Lost In Space

I used to watch Morse years ago with a sexy flatmate and I never got to  see the end of any of its two hour episodes because I always ended up diddling her on the ratty sofa of the house we were renting. I wonder if it would work with <lewis>. I must give her a call. It's been twenty years.

it is stunning to me, literally like being hit in the face by a heavy, wet fish, that you can review the rather average Lewis without mentioning, once, the word Morse, the far superior series of which this is a spin-off. Beside the fine and sophisticated Morse, Lewis is a let's pretend game at a council school for

Snap! I agree wholeheartedly. I have come to dislike her amateurish and wooden delivery so much that everything about her consumes me with TV Den rage. Her grotesque, squared off shoulders are specially offensive somehow.