
Plenty of us like the show a lot, though. Correlate the community grades to Todd's grades: yes, there's a little disparity, as there is with plenty of shows, but it's not nearly large enough to indicate that everyone hates it here. I honestly believe Todd's guilting has more to do with a gut reaction to sexism than

So you're comfortable with having your opinion of the show reduced to bigotry? I guess that's your prerogative; it certainly makes your thoughts easier to dismiss out of hand. I'm betting that the majority of Girls detractors don't feel that way.

So you're comfortable with having your opinion of the show reduced to bigotry? I guess that's your prerogative; it certainly makes your thoughts easier to dismiss out of hand. I'm betting that the majority of Girls detractors don't feel that way.

You do realize this "all Girls fans are privileged" shit is exactly as stupid and reductive as calling you sexist for not liking it, right? And you don't want to keep being called sexist, I'm assuming? Right?

You do realize this "all Girls fans are privileged" shit is exactly as stupid and reductive as calling you sexist for not liking it, right? And you don't want to keep being called sexist, I'm assuming? Right?

As a Girls fan, I respect this request!

As a Girls fan, I respect this request!

Maybe the fact that sexist comments were disproportionately targeted at this specific show?

Maybe the fact that sexist comments were disproportionately targeted at this specific show?

… which is virtually identical to the "while Girls fans aren't necessarily racist, it's like they might as well say they don't care about diversity" line.

… which is virtually identical to the "while Girls fans aren't necessarily racist, it's like they might as well say they don't care about diversity" line.

The sarcasm in your first sentence doesn't parse at all—where's the glut of shows that give this kind of voice to an unconventionally attractive female protagonist? Why are this show's critics so rabidly dismissive of the risks the show takes that they're outright blind to them?

The sarcasm in your first sentence doesn't parse at all—where's the glut of shows that give this kind of voice to an unconventionally attractive female protagonist? Why are this show's critics so rabidly dismissive of the risks the show takes that they're outright blind to them?

Sure it's the "non-Dunham direction" you favor? Because she directed three out of the five episodes you enjoyed. I think she's easily the most talented director working on the show: the performances in the episodes she directs are reliably more understated and nuanced than the ones she doesn't. I didn't like the crack

Sure it's the "non-Dunham direction" you favor? Because she directed three out of the five episodes you enjoyed. I think she's easily the most talented director working on the show: the performances in the episodes she directs are reliably more understated and nuanced than the ones she doesn't. I didn't like the crack

I, for one, would gladly agree to the following truce:

I, for one, would gladly agree to the following truce:

Real progressive of you to insist that all culture be diverse in a set way, predetermined to reflect the realities closest to you, and exclude people outside your range of empathy.

Real progressive of you to insist that all culture be diverse in a set way, predetermined to reflect the realities closest to you, and exclude people outside your range of empathy.

I hope I'm not the only one bummed that Adam Driver's not in the running for Supporting Actor. Easily my favorite Girls performance.