
I hope I'm not the only one bummed that Adam Driver's not in the running for Supporting Actor. Easily my favorite Girls performance.

chocolatestigmata is a woman, FYI.

chocolatestigmata is a woman, FYI.

This comment is laughable. In any other review of any other show, that Todd excerpt would be correctly identified as value-neutral. Newsflash, everyone: referencing indie rock, no matter how benignly, implicitly condones being a rich asshole! And that $30 you spent on an Animal Collective show instead of Haitian

This comment is laughable. In any other review of any other show, that Todd excerpt would be correctly identified as value-neutral. Newsflash, everyone: referencing indie rock, no matter how benignly, implicitly condones being a rich asshole! And that $30 you spent on an Animal Collective show instead of Haitian

It doesn't invalidate opinions, but it sure as hell effectively prevents a lot of people from seeing the good in what they're criticizing. And I find your calling out of "smug dismissal" pretty ironic, since smug dismissal is exactly what Noel is taking to task.

It doesn't invalidate opinions, but it sure as hell effectively prevents a lot of people from seeing the good in what they're criticizing. And I find your calling out of "smug dismissal" pretty ironic, since smug dismissal is exactly what Noel is taking to task.

But there's a big difference, to my mind, between having guilty pleasures and hate watching.

But there's a big difference, to my mind, between having guilty pleasures and hate watching.

Ex Mockingbird,

Ex Mockingbird,

Also, I think it may be less about gender than the fact that this particular show pushes some unusual buttons that infuriate a lot of intelligent people and are extremely cathartic for many others. In other words, it's a highly contentious show and probably will stay that way until a) the run ends, b) Dunham makes

Also, I think it may be less about gender than the fact that this particular show pushes some unusual buttons that infuriate a lot of intelligent people and are extremely cathartic for many others. In other words, it's a highly contentious show and probably will stay that way until a) the run ends, b) Dunham makes

For Community-ites, dealing with a non-believer in the AV Club comments section is like swatting away a fly. For Girls fans, it's more like having a swarm of locusts regularly engulf your show.

For Community-ites, dealing with a non-believer in the AV Club comments section is like swatting away a fly. For Girls fans, it's more like having a swarm of locusts regularly engulf your show.

Oh yeah, I forgot that detractors of Community, Mad Men and Breaking Bad are received with open arms around here. Jeez, we were being so unfair. Feel free to hate away!

Oh yeah, I forgot that detractors of Community, Mad Men and Breaking Bad are received with open arms around here. Jeez, we were being so unfair. Feel free to hate away!



Problem with that logic is that in many, many cases it's not quite as simplistic as regular exercise + good nutrition vs. utter laziness and eating crap all the time. Believe it or not, you can go for a run every now and then, swear off McDonald's (and anything of that transfat caliber) for years, and still be fat,