
Problem with that logic is that in many, many cases it's not quite as simplistic as regular exercise + good nutrition vs. utter laziness and eating crap all the time. Believe it or not, you can go for a run every now and then, swear off McDonald's (and anything of that transfat caliber) for years, and still be fat,

Dude, many people who are not affluent or privileged whatsoever, myself included, simply do not have the willpower to rigorously eat rice and beans three times a day. We are lazy, and stupidly blow our money on less food that benefits us less. If that isn't up to your standards of empathy, tough fucking shit. And if

Dude, many people who are not affluent or privileged whatsoever, myself included, simply do not have the willpower to rigorously eat rice and beans three times a day. We are lazy, and stupidly blow our money on less food that benefits us less. If that isn't up to your standards of empathy, tough fucking shit. And if

… except that the correlation you draw, by and large, is utterly false. Healthy food, gym memberships and access to informed health advice require a decent amount of cash; pizza, fast food and sitting around, not quite as much. Do I even need to point this out? Or maybe I'm just oblivious to all the rich communities

… except that the correlation you draw, by and large, is utterly false. Healthy food, gym memberships and access to informed health advice require a decent amount of cash; pizza, fast food and sitting around, not quite as much. Do I even need to point this out? Or maybe I'm just oblivious to all the rich communities

Hey, nice job throwing in a jab at Dunham's weight, which totally helped your point and wasn't gratuitous at all!

Hey, nice job throwing in a jab at Dunham's weight, which totally helped your point and wasn't gratuitous at all!

Her point of view may be awesome, but good TV it does not make. The character has been whittled down to a series of identification cues; mentally nodding in agreement /= funny. Compare that to Marnie ranting about her boredom with Charlie. We identify, but also observe her being alternately directionless and

Her point of view may be awesome, but good TV it does not make. The character has been whittled down to a series of identification cues; mentally nodding in agreement /= funny. Compare that to Marnie ranting about her boredom with Charlie. We identify, but also observe her being alternately directionless and

I agree with some of the points you make, but the contradictions you draw attention to are part of why I loved tonight's episode. The fact that Dunham neither fully empowers nor humiliates Hannah is what makes this show special for me. And as a member of Dunham's generation, more or less, I love the kind of discomfort

Adam pretending Hannah is an 11-year-old whore during sex + her begrudgingly going along with it in the opening scene of the second episode = pretty ballsy, IMO.