What was the point of having him back anyways? They can always mention what happen to him in passing. I wonder if any of the other producers of this show ever have the balls to tell Wiener that his kid can't act.
What was the point of having him back anyways? They can always mention what happen to him in passing. I wonder if any of the other producers of this show ever have the balls to tell Wiener that his kid can't act.
Why don't you ask Christian Slater who has a lot more failures under his belt.
Also it is a lot cheaper to have the show in the same location all the time. Just look at The Walking Dead they have been in those boring ass woods since the beginning.
Not really the thing he is talking about happens in the next episode.
Whose idea was it to get that dweeb from The Social Network to play Lex Luthor. Also can they use another villain Lex has been done to death.
Caddyshack has those boring parts with that young caddy.
They could always post it on the internet.
I would recommend you start with the episode where Sparte and Crixis team up in the ring to kill that big dude. It is the fifth episode i think.
Or if i was Matt i would have a wire or a small video cam hidden on me to record when Fisk was going on about his crimes. He knew he had a good chance to meet up with him when he showed up at that warehouse. Next season they should get a tech nerd to join Team Daredevil.
Not the best show by any stretch but HTGAWM has had gay love scenes. It is mostly though dudes taking of there shirts and making out though.
They have them at work and even the new ones take forever to get a program to open up.
It makes sense that he would have one though. He is not a successful lawyer let and Dell is what is in most offices.
The show is a happier show then this one and Arrow but he still has a sort of a tragic past. All the stuff with The reverse Flash killing his mom and his dad being in jail for it comes to mind. How about one where the hero takes advantage of his powers financially and with the ladies. And when he saves someones life…
I just like how Ragner acts around his little boys. He should open Ragner's School for Tots when he comes home.
The worst one was that dude with the blue and black face in Guardians of the Galaxy.
It's a Dell it got what it deserved.
Can we have a superhero show that has one that actually enjoys being one and is not tormented by it? Do they always have to have such a tragic past?
I actually like all of the other bad guys way better then Fisk.
The morning routine reminded me of a knock off version of Hannibal. But instead of a classy dress psychopath with great skill in the kitchen we get a Thor Johnson lookalike picking out boring grey suits with basic cooking skills.
If it was not for NBC which only has Hannibal ABC would be the worst network in my opinion. The only shows i like are The Middle and The Goldbergs but they are far from my favorites. I used to watch Scandal but i have given up on it. The only other show this season that i enjoyed was Agent Carter and i get a feeling…