The Strain makes the Walking Dead at its worst seem like Mad Men.
The Strain makes the Walking Dead at its worst seem like Mad Men.
Can you really blame them for playing it safe when there fan base consists of pre-teen girls. I don't think they would react well to the band if they were all of a sudden sounded like Radiohead.
My first exposure to Harvey Dent was on Batman The Animated Series and he was friends with Wayne and he looked to be the same age. I will admit that i have never read any of the comics. I am not a comic book reader the closes thing to them i read was Watchmen and Maus.
They also was not any of Cranes rants that i love so much about this show. I wonder though did Mison actually have a cold and that is why he was hardly in this episode. Also it should have been a dead give away to Abbie and the rest that that nurse was a ghost considering she was wearing a old fashion nurse uniform…
Isn't Harvey Dent around the same age as Bruce Wayne.
I wonder have the filmed all of this seasons episodes already. If not then they could just quickly write out the Hawley character when they start shooting the show again. They can just have someone mention that he had to leave town for some reason.
I don't know why but every time i start to watch this show i always end up falling asleep. It could be that i am tired after working but i don't fall asleep when i watch my other regular Sunday night shows.
It is not a bad show i will most likely watch a episode of it in syndication then Big Bang Theory. It would not get so much hate if it was not winning all those underserved Emmys.
Another one that should be added to the list is Sleepy Hollow which keeps getting worst as the second second season goes along. It started out good this season then they had to ruin it by shoving some blonde dude down are out throats. Not to mention Katrina is still a pointless character.
Paris may have come off as a cold bitch on Gilmore Girls but you still liked her. I liked that she started as a sort of nemesis for Rory and then they became friends. The character she plays on this show is just a boring bitch.
You don't like 70s there was a lot of great R&B music from that decade.
Mullally may not have had her own show but she has done some good work in supporting and guest roles like Party Down, Parks and Rec. and Children's Hospital.
But he always seems to wear them especially on The Shield.
Being on one of those TV land shows that i don't watch is a good fit for him. It is a good place for has been sitcom stars to get a steady paycheck.Also the dude who played Will can join him since his show was just canceled as well.
I knew it would get cancelled but i thought that would be at the end of the season.
It is getting a lot of buzz especially for Keaton's performance. But i see what you mean based on what i read about the film it is not your usual Oscar bait movie. It is not your sentimental crap with some actor playing a disabled person or a sub par movie that makes the Academy feel good about itself.
Did not miss him either. Also would it kill Chiklis to not wear tight shirts all the time.
It must be hard for this director having Kurosawa as your name.
I like that he does not give high grades to Oscar bait movies. Which by the way have not been too great lately. The only ones i want to see are Birdman and Gone Girl but i can wait for them to be on DVD.
She this shows version of Laurel from The Arrow. Boring character and actress that gets a lot of underserve screen time.