Erik E Erik

I thought I did, but I watched the Thin Man run around the city, I was thinking, "I don't know what I interpreted happening before, but it wasn't anywhere near this." Something about his presence must attract fire or, um, nitrate rot?, because nearly all of his scenes were ones that were lost.

What about Peter Criss? When I was like 9, "Beth" was my favorite Kiss song.  Now it's… umm… "Lick It Up?" Because it's funny that they had that as a title.

Rob Liefield is telling me I need a bigger two-barreled gun.  And that crotch needs to be much more prominent.

Watched the uncut Metropolis. I was surprised how little sense it made with all the cuts.  It's an actual understandable movie now.  All those intertitles before that explained key points of the plot, like when the Thin Man goes and attacks the guy in the apartment.  Well, the entire Thin Man character.  Got a real

Saul Bass or GTFO

Yeah, he doesn't understand why people watch bad films, and that not everyone does. The reactions of the people when he shows it in his hometown are pretty funny.

The Misfits. I had too goofy of a sense of humor to be a straight metalhead, and too much of a love of monsters and Castlevania to be into just punk. Plus I tried sporting a devilock for a bit, but that looked about as bad as you'd imagine.

It seems like the female characters views of sexuality are very written-by-a-man, but, then again, I am a man, so It might just seem that way to me.

Well, he's an adult male who wears hats so often his cartoon avatar had a hat on. Then he takes it off once and people give him shit about it. I would recommend a shitty toupee.

If we're doing brackets of awesome songs, I pick "Bleeding Heart Show" to at least go to the final four. Sorry, too much basketball today.

That game was so designed to be hard.  I don't even want to tell you how much of my 6th grade year I spent on that game, with the Technodrome moving around in different lairs, with those horrible jumps, with the swimming levels.  I made it inside the Technodrome a few times, to get to guys flying in a chair that kill

I've seen the Wrestling With Shadows documentary about Bret Hart twice and that still went over my head.

Before I heard Embryonic, I was thinking that Mystics seemed sort of tired, not very focused, the band might just be packing it in after a nice late-career run.  And Embryonic is a wail of weirdness and, while not my favorite of theirs, gives me hope that this part of their career is going to get really interesting. 

Why does it seem that Criterion has the rights for their movies for less time than other studios? The number of OOP Criterion movies is astonishing; want to have the Third Man CC on Blu? Better have like 100 dollars ready.  It doesn't surprise me at all that they would lose rights to a movie they haven't even released

Weren't they just "Prodigy" at that time? I could never keep track of the definite article changing. 

I had terrible taste in music in high school, missed all the stuff that I consider cool now, and I still thought they sucked. 

Yes, DGC Rarities, Vol 1.  "Jaime" was great, the Beck song was great, the Counting Crows song was great (I think in the liner notes, they said they left it off AaEA because it wasn't "mopey" enough), there were some good tracks on that album that cost me like 5 dollars new.

Yeah, I try to get one Criterion Blu Ray from Netflix every week, just to support the cause.  Sometimes they're great (M) and sometimes it's merely okay (Paris, TX).  I was not prepared for how intense this was going to be. 

Finished watching Game Of Thrones S2. Since I don't have HBO, I have to wait until the Blu Rays come out the next year to watch them. I could watch them through illegal methods, but the PQ and AQ are usually pretty middling, and it's worth it to hear the sounds and see everything.  I'm halfway through the fifth book,

I still don't think that PTA has topped that movie.  I think There Will Be Blood is great, and I have only seen the Master once, but I will always check out his new films based on my love of Boogie Nights.