
That's gonna fund a lot of softball teams.

Upon re-watching, that's right. Either way, though, Walt senses the end (of something at least) is near.

It's definitely in the team photo. Very hard to quantify "best ever" but I won't argue strongly against it.

Yup. Spent five months in a southern Illinois prison (which seems redundant to say, but I digress) for filing false returns.

Look up Tohajiilee on Google Maps, and it's probably an hour out of ABQ. Plus, we don't know where Jack and his crew were coming from.

Just like the great Al Capone and Pete Rose, probably tax evasion

Whatever you want to happen, the exact reverse opposite will happen.

You think Walt's in heaven?

Such as killing off her own sister, thus having the kids for herself once and for all?

Probably gonna need some new tires, too.

"….and I didn't know how FAST I was driving because the speedometer…you know, on the Dodge…was broken…"

I hope that last line was said by a five year old in Breaking Bad footie pajamas

To mask the fact that he has an enormous penis

If you thought Walt's fountain of bullshit was big for the gasoline smell, wait til you hear this one.
"Well yeah, Junior, I was just…you know…out for a drive…and I MAY have gotten a little lost…" etc.

When Walt gets the photo of his money, he takes a pause to look at Skyler and Junior before rushing out. He knows it's likely the last time he'll ever see them. Discuss.

So once this blows over, he'll still get his job back at the high school, right?

My insurance won't cover TV-related blood pressure meds. That's why. Stupid Big Pharma.

Hank and Gomie then take the car to Jimmy's. Ramey sends in the wolf. Gomie thwarts a diner robbery.

"When you look at percentages, really…six million is…well…"

You can't say she never tried