
I don't know, and that's the beauty of the show.

To clarify: not liking Skyler and not appreciating her as a character are two different things. If she were a likable gal, it would make Walt too unlikable by comparison, but by making her such a bitch, it gives the viewer an opportunity to sympathize with the protagonist enough that our moral compass is thrown out of

I'm still recovering from seeing Luis from Sesame Street on Law and Order CI

At least you could visit Danger Dog

I want to see Hank catch Walt, but I equally want to see Walt get away with it. Also, more dancing.

Badger as Augustus Gloop
Lydia as Veruca Salt
Jesse as Mike TeeVee
Marie as Violet Beauregard

Walt dies on the way back to his home planet.

Yo Mr. White! So I was writing this musical, about this dude who, like, lives in the night and stuff…

I hope the entire premiere is 72 angles of Walt, Hank, Marie, Walt Jr., Holly, Saul, and Zombie Bike Kid shooting Skyler in the head and tits.

Uh….woozle wuzzle? Is this where I say the line?

There's a NEW Mexico?!?

Oh mine will. I'm still not sold on those new D-V-D's.

Back when we taped everything off of HBO because VCRs were a novelty, my brother and I watched a well-worn tape of Bill Cosby Himself almost everyday one summer. I hope some day my kids will do the same.

I dunno, internet?

Wait, that's…hold on…
(checks calculations)
(observes bubbling formula in lab)
(scribbles on notepad)

Season 3 was challenging, and I almost lost interest, but it was still good enough to keep me hanging around.
I'm rewatching the series now, and will skip Co-Pilot; I recommend others do likewise.

Just saw it with my young kids. They loved it (of course), I thought it was meh, ok. Not worth hating, but disappointing compared to the original, which I really enjoyed. I'd give it a C+

Watch out Danny! She's Irish!

What? What's wrong with Tone Loc's career?

Years before Superman Returns came out, there was a lot of talk about Nic Cage playing Superman. In retrospect, I think that would have broken the internet.