
It's about time that Roro got heard.

At least we now know what happened to Tommy Devito's shine box.

Kids: Whad'ya thinks…IN THE GOULASH?
Betty: I don't know.
(cue green slime)

Let's hope Dr. Lyle Evans doesn't operate on him, or else Don's done drapin'.

Burt Reynolds as Roger Sterling would have been bad-ass

Kiernan had a helluva season last year, though. Sally, Bobby, and Gene are still Don's kids, and wiping them out of the show completely doesn't make sense, so I guess we're stuck with Betty.

Father Phil woulda whacked Father Gil

Peggy said she thought either Houston or Oakland would play Green Bay in the Super Bowl. The Raiders beat the Oilers on New Years' Eve 1967 in the AFL title game.


I think she was also the bass player in the Zou Bisou Bisou band.

It still would have been a big deal, though. Pro football was on the brink of overtaking the college game, at least in urban markets. NFL and AFL games were nationally televised, and in the winter, football was the only game in town, particularly on a Sunday.

For AMC to screw up Breaking Bad at this point, one or more of the following would have to happen:
-They reveal that any part of the show was "a dream"
-There is a musical episode