Janet Snakehole

Our main competing chain became a fitness place and an auto parts store. The blockbuster is, I think, a pizza place.

You mean…a regular hardware store?

Most series suffer diminishing returns, but I usually feel compelled to finish anyway. See: Beautiful Creatures. The only one I gave up on was Vampire Diaries because the 4th one was one of the worst things I've ever read.

"500 Days of Summer but with lesbians and a 7 minute hard core sex scene." I have zero problem with that…

Yeah, I read something that referred to him as her 'true love' and realized I haven't been interested in that for some time now.

Love that as I look at this you actually have 10 upvotes.

I often do JFK impressions with similar results.
Would you like to go swimming in my pool? And by pool, I mean bathtub. And by swimming I MEAN SEX!

By the transitive property, Sean O'Neal is also friendship!

But if one of these guys is Ant-Man, I'll have to SEE Ant-Man.

I want to see him take me on with his large mandibles.
Yeah, sure.

Shut the Door. Have a Seat.

Have you really not known before now that Sean O'Neal is magic?

Yeah, guys, you're never going to beat HawthoRNe.

Like a Stefon sketch on SNL?

I used to get free rentals every time I got a report card! *pushes up glasses*

The flaws in the business model seemed so cute and quirky when you first met!

THIS is what they make those mini Kit-Kats for. NOW I understand them!

At least they'd make some jokes about it to break the ice? No wait that'd be worse.

*walks slowly out into the sea, recalling how much I didn't like the Awakening when I had to read it in high school*

While terrified of space, at least I can easily just not go there. That damn ocean is always threatening to come up over the coasts.