Janet Snakehole

but…Fantastic Mr. Fox!


My instinct would be like throwing a discus but I imagine it's supposed to be like discuss, since it's for commenting and all. Either way, boo.

That certainly has discouraged me.

Wondered the same thing.

Looked up his actual name to find that it's pretty damn IKEA-y: Ioan Gruffudd

I was still getting emails from them a few years ago from having joined in like 1995. Sorry, guys, that first deal was great, but I'm not going to mail order a CD in 2010 for $18.95.

One of the worst movies I've ever seen was some doc about Silverchair on Netflix Instant where the entire thing looked like the guy just discovered all basic tools in his editing software and HAD to use them all. "I can show four panels at once! YES! I can make them MOVE AROUND?! HOLY SHIT!"

Glad I'm not the only Paul Brittain fan.

One time while on the treadmill, I watched the episode of Roseanne where she considers an abortion. I texted someone to make some jokes about that being an odd exercise motivator and now my phone suggests "abortion" to me almost any time I compose a text. THANKS, ROSEANNE.

I want to like this a hundred times.

Because no one would watch this show?

Thank you for saving me from looking that up.

Brick was the first thing that came to my mind.

Yeah, they made direct reference to the patch and you could see it.

If only that were how Ruby Sparks ended.

Or in life.

I really liked End of Watch last year.

I did not at all consider that ending to be vindicating Jackman. Dano is still intellectually unable to give him any useful information and was uninvolved in the captivity of Jackman's children. He figures out that it was her because of something the recovered child says, not because of anything Dano said. Torturing…
