Janet Snakehole

Isn't that what Furry Vengeance is?

I'm not seeing it RIGHT NOW!

[SPOILERS] Ex-cop Sam Worthington is in jail for basically ever for stealing a diamond and selling it in pieces, but Ed Harris still has the diamond. Sam is allowed out of jail to go to his dad's funeral and escapes from it. His brother and his brother's hot girlfriend are breaking into Ed Harris' safe across the

I have a very specific memory of playing the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade game and having to get some Nazis drunk to escape.

Yes! I don't think I ever finished it. I also think it kinda freaked me out as a kid.

I got passes to a screening of it earlier this week and was asked several times by people I was inviting what it was about. My answer: A man…on a ledge…?

Gimme the keys, you fairy godmother!

Do the other couples really kiss any more than that, though?

@Scrawler2:disqus Now I'm having flashbacks of that page of naked Supreme Court justices from America, the book.

Maybe he's trying out reverse psychology—"They think I'm an idiot, so if I say that DVDs are over, they'll think I must be wrong and will get more DVDs than ever! Genius, Reed!" *high fives himself in the mirror*

I thought that, too, but then the previews would have been full of dramatic ambulance shots instead of "Like a meatball?!?"

I just watched You Again last week and it was, in fact, the worst.

My Wife the Tramp

If only we could unsee the parts we've seen.

Who Let the Dogs Out?
12 Days of Christmas

Not sure I'm going to be able to forgive Todd for getting Wild Wild West in my head…

Guessing we won't see one for Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close…

Coming December 21st, 2012…

Ronald McDonald may die, but nothing can kill the Grimace.