Janet Snakehole

Party All the Time by Eddie Murphy?

It could probably go without saying that I would rather watch 30 Rock re-runs than Whitney, but I'll say it anyway.


Is going to?

To die in Comfort?

In that case, it doesn't even need to be a hot meal.

Does that come with benefits, or do you just get to keep the coins that you flip?

Koo koo ka cha

I was thinking Hoda Kotb…

That and brushing your hair out of your face every single second.


It worries me that I want a sandwich after reading all of this.

Any mention of Arli$$ makes me think of Norm MacDonald's David Letterman sketch. Uh, uh, you got any gum?

I thought the same thing RE: Josh vs. Ryan. I still have a little affection for Josh for some reason, though, so with that bottom 3, I was hoping Laura went. Really, I hoped Kimberly was in the bottom and SHE went home, but oh well.

Unfortunately, the Middle does not strike me as genius at all.

Her boss is forced to let her on the campaign after she makes fun of him in front of clients at a business meeting. And she seems like an awful assistant. She deserved to fail.

And constantly texting ones.

Let me get that for you…
"Also in multiplexes: The beloved (especially in Europe)
comic-book character Tintin comes to the big screen courtesy of fan
Steven Spielberg—with some help from Peter Jackson, Edgar Wright, Steven
Moffat, and others—in The Adventures Of Tintin: Secret Of The Unicorn. Also, Pixar vet Brad Bird

Fly by Sugar Ray.

Yeah, I had a summer "internship" that is only an internship so they could pay someone less than if it were a job. I generally just put on my resume that I was "Ticketing Manager", not that I was the Ticketing Manager Intern.