Janet Snakehole

This is the first time I've seen one of these before it got flagged away, so, thank you?

I loved when the kids got to watch the looks on the runway and Burt's kid was making this face and then Burt asks if he likes it and he's kinda like 'Uhhh yeeeaaaahhhhh' like when you get a Christmas gift that is just not at all what you wanted, but you don't want to hurt the person's feelings.

If I'd been driving that bus, I'm pretty sure I'd have let him on.

Probably something with that leg lamp from A Christmas Story

I save my Colin hate for Colin Quinn.

Is neckbeatles a flashy name for a necklace with John, Paul, George, and Ringo on it?

However, I will never ask either Gallagher to "dance up on me".

I would.

I hope you find an amusing replacement word for "fuckin'". Or just leave it in.

That looks like it was made from a template from PrintShop for the first PC I ever owned…

So she likes to crawl into his chin to sleep at night. What's wrong with that?

When life gives you lemons, say, "Fuck the lemons." and bail.

I was more disappointed than I should admit that the Silas sex scene was sort of skipped over.

People dislike Andy? Even if I disliked him, there are so many worse characters around that I'm not sure I'd notice…

Or the rest of us have been promoted!!

8/23. A day that will live in infamy.

True, but I raise you one mercury poisoning.

Would that be a reboot of the Man Show?

Giving them FRACTUREs?

I, for one, welcome our new sentient-illegal-drug-jazz-singer overlords.