Janet Snakehole

You were IN Peabody's? I'm sorry.

The Oh in Ohio. Though I mostly love that movie for its Paul Ruddiness.

Shawshank Redemption


Oh, please do.

Misc. Suggestions
Get Along Gang.
Teddy Ruxpin.

I definitely had at least one Popple. And whatever merchandise existed for Wuzzles.

I *just* suggested Connect Four in this type of conversation a few days ago. This summer: Are you ready to GO FOR IT?

I was supposed to hear that last one as the theme from the Batman TV show, right?


"Kevin James is here pretty much specifically because Chris Farley isn't."

I'm tired of all these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!

"Tylerrrrr Perrrrry…"
Did anyone else just get the chills?

I've found him extra repulsive since Paul Blart: Mall Cop

The hosts DO tend to be twats there…I think you're right!

I'm a he? Shit. I guess I should go deal with this news.

Skating with the Stars also happened. Mostly I remember Sean Young and Vince Neil falling down a lot. And the host being an insufferable twat.

Clearly, the filmmakers prefer Turabian style.

I hear it has a dope aftertaste.

I don't even try to keep track of what those two concert "pavilions" in the flats are called…