
Two things this season:

Two things this season:

Agreed Mellon must have had a skeleton that got whispered in is ear.
We also must be missing a scene with Nucky calling Doyle for the long con.

Agreed Mellon must have had a skeleton that got whispered in is ear.
We also must be missing a scene with Nucky calling Doyle for the long con.

Quick Questions
1) Why did Nucky greenlight Capone killing Maserea's men?
    He knew they were going back to NY and leaving Gyp. No benefit but pissing off Masserea

Quick Questions
1) Why did Nucky greenlight Capone killing Maserea's men?
    He knew they were going back to NY and leaving Gyp. No benefit but pissing off Masserea

Then why is Juice still freaked about it?

Then why is Juice still freaked about it?

Where do you watch them Hulu?
It takes a day for them to post

Where do you watch them Hulu?
It takes a day for them to post

Comedic actors in a movie do not always make a comedy.

Comedic actors in a movie do not always make a comedy.

Weird 3 scenes with  Brock in the cold open and not a sound-
couldnt Jackson Publik afford Warburton

Weird 3 scenes with  Brock in the cold open and not a sound-
couldnt Jackson Publik afford Warburton

he likes buying icecream for kids

he likes buying icecream for kids

Is it just me or in the intro scenes before the title  it is implied that Gemma had just slept with a woman?
The reviewer made no mention of this

Is it just me or in the intro scenes before the title  it is implied that Gemma had just slept with a woman?
The reviewer made no mention of this

fat is the new black

fat is the new black