
-You are so right between the Nomads and the no name prospects we don't have many characters to follow it's now the Jax show (unless Clay gets healthy & Evil again) Chibs 8 lines per show max, Happy 3 lines per show, Tig the future looks dim for him.

-You are so right between the Nomads and the no name prospects we don't have many characters to follow it's now the Jax show (unless Clay gets healthy & Evil again) Chibs 8 lines per show max, Happy 3 lines per show, Tig the future looks dim for him.

Jimmy I agree however I think Gyp has grown in volatility.
Nucky probably has known him for years as a hothead but I am sure that prohibition itself has upped the ante on most criminals and their operations in the country at this time. If say Gyp was an up and comer having a hair trigger temper combined with that

Jimmy I agree however I think Gyp has grown in volatility.
Nucky probably has known him for years as a hothead but I am sure that prohibition itself has upped the ante on most criminals and their operations in the country at this time. If say Gyp was an up and comer having a hair trigger temper combined with that

I did not like the Kiss April gave the Senator's son
I know she was being a badass but it seemed out of place-
Maybe Aubrey Ad-libbed it and they kept in (I Hope)

I did not like the Kiss April gave the Senator's son
I know she was being a badass but it seemed out of place-
Maybe Aubrey Ad-libbed it and they kept in (I Hope)

good show
good run

good show
good run

One quick question
Dont they still have courts?
And if so why didnt Doc not get his day in court?

One quick question
Dont they still have courts?
And if so why didnt Doc not get his day in court?