
One of the best episode of this show, dont you think? I really loved it, character have strength but also are sensible! Very balanced, all characters play their part, even Haddie is back. Emotion is there but also determination too … No A+? too bad :-)
Oh and yes … the phone call, Father-Daughter … wow

One of the best episode of this show, dont you think? I really loved it, character have strength but also are sensible! Very balanced, all characters play their part, even Haddie is back. Emotion is there but also determination too … No A+? too bad :-)
Oh and yes … the phone call, Father-Daughter … wow

"Dollhouse's Epitaph One"!!! so great and it also made me think about it, I was actually searching for the name of this episode! thanks

Perfect spin-off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup … Freedom Tower …. that was excellent! and Central Park almost like a "chess board" :-)
As far as Etta goes, who doubted she was the "daughter" …. still one of these excellent episodes that makes us loooove Fringe …

Come'on B+ only :-) good pace, villains coming from all directions, underlying story moving forward, who is … "her" (at the end, daughter maybe?) … and John Noble!! better than ever! so sensitive in "our" world, but so full of authority on the "other" side, I hope his skills are rewarded some day … Season 4 has still