
Il stand with you on that hill.

You mean the good finale that is in line with the rest of the series?

And if you think Brawn is doing badly now, Brain in that season was terrible in the early going (and yet ended up with 2 in the final four).

There really are very few things more enjoyable on this show than watching someone talk themselves into being eliminated. Maybe someone's carefully laid plans being laid to waste by a perfectly-played idol? (Oh hi, Andrew!)

Yes. They've been on a good run of seasons the last couple of years.

D+. Clumsy, aggravating and a complete waste of Lauren Ambrose.

So yes, Branagh. Henry V, Much Ado About Nothing, Hamlet; that's a very, very good list.

Considering West Wing, I'm amused that Janney and Harmon share a publicist.

I hadn't heard.

And I just hit one that I didn't like, just because it has that terrible ventriloquist hack. Sadly, he doesn't get bumped off. But besides that, I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

Yes, the term is "premorse."

I'm totally agreeing with him on Vinnie Jones. He's really had some good stuff to work with this season and he's up to the material, whether it's his horrible realization that he has this horrid feeling called "guilt" (ugh) or that he's in love with the worse person in the world.

That Walter Kerr story is pretty great; he was a magnificent critic and it's worth reading his reviews for a real feel of what worked and didn't in New York theater over decades.

Heh, I just for the hell of it tried googling "Melanie bunheads hulk" and it was indeed the first video result.

So we can watch every one of the ladies give Frankie a kick in the gnads for what he did to Bailey.

Karate Kid, man!

Oooh, good one. I'd watch that.

Which is such a bizarre thing that I'm kind of intrigued.

You adorable nerds.