
I could come up with the context and Zola and Dreyfus but had zero clue what the article was actually called.

Man, I miss Wipeout.

I think I'd be much more interested if it was about Andrew and Fergie.

Such great Fillion delivery.

It's not quite that gleefully insane but you're on the right wavelength.

No, this has good and consistent style, unlike that terrible Boondock Saints.

I saw it last week and thought it was a lot of fun. Hammer especially shows a talent for dry humor that I hadn't seen before.

It's worth noting that A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte is in a completely different place on the second floor of the Art Institute from where it was in 1986. When they opened up the Modern Wing, they revamped the impressionist area a lot and moved things around.

Maybe you haven't met the right guy yet.

Wait, was that why? I skipped that episode.

I've only seen the second one and I was very pleasantly surprised.

Also, see Kiss of the Spider Woman, which she's great in.

Interestingly, my DirectTV guide claims this is running on ABC on Saturday, not ESPN.

I love that he wrote a lot of Hamilton when he was filming Do No Harm, AKA "Dr. Face Hands" because he was living in Philadelphia for the shoot and it was convenient for research.

Krakowski and Ferguson playing the hand-on-shoulder and being brushed off during One Day More is just the best.

Also, Dave Barry Slept Here introduced me to the HAWLEY-SMOOT TARIFF, which really is just too fun to say.

I think that's about his mother and yeah, that section wrecked me.

And also, from Sunburned Country, that they named a municipal pool after him.

Between Smash and this, we haven't treated Megan Hilty right.