
If her novel is half as good as the novelette she won the Hugo for, I'll be happy.

Wait. What the hell is wrong with the aging montage in Looper? It's pretty damn effective.

Dean Jones is at least a B-Lister. A wonderful skill with making the silliest Disney live-action movie work, and the first Bobby in Stephen Sondheim's Company.

I'm really hot and cold on Ron Howard movies, but that movie's a blast.


Wait. Lucifer Morningstar? Lucifer MEANS Morningstar. The fuck.

Mensch is exactly the word that came to mind reading this.

Well, that was an ongoing problem/sign of the times for Will & Grace; sure, we can have a couple of gay guys and play their dates for laughs, but let the serious guy have a serious relationship?!? P'shaw!

I have to go with Olympus Has Fallen as the better movie, but I've come around a bit on the goofiness of White House DOwn.

And starring the late, great Vincent Schiavelli as the "normal" brother.

Ah yes, the Hannibal turducken episode. That was….that was really something.

The Jewish doctor line is fantastic.

You are the worst Monitor ever.

RAND Corporation. Wow, nice pull.

Damn straight! And how pleased was I to see 20-year-old Gillian Anderson in those credits? Far too happy!

Yeah, that was a really cheap shot at a great movie.

Also, the guy playing her potential cop boyfriend is very, very good.

What the duck is "freeform"?

Christ, Kerouac fans.

Someone would need to explain TV to the Senator first.