Oh man….this one really hits hard. RIP.
Oh man….this one really hits hard. RIP.
… my house.
Even though the AV club won't bring back Supernatural reviews… would it be too much trouble to open a thread for it every week? Like a little AV Q&A?
You could just watch the first 5 seasons :) worth it. You can just pretend the series ends there (i think quite a few people have)
ooo good calls! Forgot about those. And also just remembered… Live Free or Twihard.
I LOVED that ending.
Yeah, I was gutted too, but completely unsurprised. It seems they don't really understand how to play to their strengths.
Season 11, the mad-lib auto-fill feature is sourced from Cards Against Humanity.
(Show moves to HBO)
Like fine wine.
I just did… and laughed way harder than I should have.
I think fandom-related stuff is great when it's self-aware and in good fun, but when people start aggressively acting on delusions revolving around the show or its actors I just lose all understanding. As much as you might love it… It. Is. Just. A. Show.
And don't get me started on real-person fiction. I just…. nope.
I'm the opposite. I joined tumblr after binging Star Trek TOS - and without following anything "superwholock"-related, before I knew it, I was inundated with pictures and gifs and posts about SPN. It was omnipresent. After about 6 months I thought "Fuck it. I'll just watch it." I'm glad, because I really enjoy it, but…
I had that with Godstiel. WHAT IS HE GONNA DO??
…not last more than a single episode, is what he's gonna do :(
"It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester" has to be the best episode title in the whole series.
I periodically rewatch Changing Channels, and Sam's quiet despair in the herpes commercial just slays me every time.
If only I had more upvotes to give. This has been bugging me so much.
Totally agree with you re: Sam's characterization. I feel like I know who Dean is based on everything we've seen him say and do, but we're told what to think about Sam by other characters… well, mostly Dean. If no one talked about Sam I wouldn't really be able to place him other than "tall. friendly. college? salads".
For freaky deaths, my votes would go to
-My Bloody Valentine (season 5). The couple who eat each other alive, the guy who plonks his head in a deep fryer…and bonus, the guy who jams a toilet brush down his throat to ram down cakes…. shudder.
-The Third Man (S6) Locusts eat their way out of a guy's brain… but what got…
I hope they have a good ending planned too, though it's hard to imagine what direction they'll take that in. Death of one or both of the brothers would be an eye-roller, considering the number of times they've already died and what we know of the afterlife.