incan descent

Love that song… I don't think I get the movie or the song anymore than anyone else, just really love that tune.

I couldn't finish it, I tried. I loved Drive and his earlier movies.

roll that shit on over here!

That was one couple both me and the wife were happy to see having sex.

smirky not so little cheeks they are… I loved the logging ceremony line!

of course it does.. this is the most obvious, not needing to explain, awesome headline there ever was. I don't even need to read the article. thank you. you dug up the lead.

I've seen them only twice, 20 years apart, but both were awesome shows. Back before their first lolla tour, I saw them at Jannus Landing (St. Pete/FL), this was when Eddie was still doing the diving from the rafters thing - which was pretty cool. Then I saw them in Chicago a couple years ago with My Morning Jacket.

Something, something, troubled water?

Robert fighting.. that one Targaryean, yaknow the one.. who eventually made off with Ned's sister.

Really!? I must look into this, would love to get rid of the cable box again…

Man, I signed up for HBO *just* to get HBO GO on my PS3, but of course comcast doesn't support that (but does on xbox?!).. ANYway, ended up getting a cable box for the first time in years so we could actually use the HBO subscription - the package was just local channels + HBO. and another thing, how has the Comcast

and round, definitely round.. ish

I'd like ta … ehhh, maybe for another thread…

spare me!

that dude *does* look a little like him, but ain't him.

so wrong! lol

oooo, madchen amick.. thanks for reminding me.

F Troop reunion?

I feel spoilt

"Would you just die already?! This is hard enough for me as it is!" Lol