incan descent

Yeh, same here - seems to flow a lot freer now that I'm a dad. And all those gdam movies with the 'children in peril'!

It's a wonderful life is annual appointment teary time for me. The wife and I watch it while wrapping presents now. I usually can hold out till the end "To my brother, the richest man in town!" - but the first time we watched together, my wife starts crying at all these scenes in the first half and threw my

Definitely not the opening scene of Guardians of the galaxy (following up on the interstellar preview - a preview!) - nope definitely not. #weepyirishbastard

This has been in place in the DVDs for awhile now (at least the ones I got years ago for daughter) - I don't have a problem with it. If my kids still watching that DVD set when she can actually read/understand the disclaimer, I'll be glad that she's given a bit of context.

… or at least those long car ride/conversation scenes.

Thank you review, you inspired me to take the wife to this yesterday and it rocked!

"There's a genetic component" lol'd at that one

He was right creepy in clay pigeons.

I get a halfon just reading her name

Yeh, the premise made me immediately think of Shallow Grave too.

no slops!

Ahh, W.A.S.P, what a blast from the past (I had a picture disc!) I remember their tendency to put acronyms into as many of their song titles as possible. (L-O, V-E, all I needs my love machine!)

would it kill ya to stand up for a picture?

I'd like to subscribe to her newsletter, please

For being there to protect your underage girls (right? Did I miss something, or wasn't that why he's being sought?), they did a great job of killing a bunch

O man, this would be awesome… love all the side-kick drama, Bat-Manuel, etc.

..and Nilsson's soundtrack don't hurt. Anyone who enjoys it should find the piano/nilsson-only demos that are out there.

Damn, now I like a Taylor Swift song- thanks AV Club!


Kudos for anyone admitting when they're wrong, even better publicly! This is just something that's getting to be very rare, and I'm heartened to see it.