incan descent

This pleases me

"The fallout has continued far beyond the world of heavy metal bassists" lol. So true, though I can't put this to bed until Blackie Lawless has weighed in.

Or mush, Kenney and boomhauer all play the voices in linders head

Pretty.. um, high?

I love me some Sublime.. and I've *always* scored low on the jock/surfer bell curve.

Bought Marlowe on Amazon last night to mourn. Had never seen before - it's awesome. Garner as Phillip Marlowe with hippies, which is basically a blueprint for what R. Files would become if you think of it. There's Bruce Lee, Rita Morena (A young, hot, blonde, stripper Rita Moreno, vvvvvvv-voom!) and a scene-chewing

This makes me sadder than would the deaths of any 100 other celebrities.. and I didn't even know he was a stoner until today!

Via Heavy Metal Comics come to life.. #butinagoodway

Yes, very much a big D&D vibe from that whole sequence!

It's people not being able to admit when they're wrong (or even, COULD be wrong) that's leading to the dumbass-ification of America.

"Pablo Escobar was killed in 1993, after Colombian National Police raided the barrio where he was hiding in Medellin. " Needed ONE MORE spoiler alert in there!!


That's what I was wondering. Not that that would get me to see the movie, as that is my least favorite of his stuff.

I think they're doing pretty good. They'll be even better next year, w/ any luck. There was a 'shorts' compilation episode a few weeks ago (maybe only on hulu? not sure if it aired as well) but there were quite a few entries from this season, and they held up well against some classics they had thrown in there.

Was Rogen in Donnie Darko?! I forgot that - maybe time to rewatch that one.

This. Good GAWD, I love those movie posters.

Pac-Man: a large high medium!

I wonder who he'll interview for the DVD extras?!

What's up AV Club? too good for Nashville? I think we *both* know that's not true…

I have a good one.. I mean, it can only be better than the last 3, right?! (god, please let me be right)