incan descent

"That tree is far away!"
"Man, you sure like Tide!"
"Who can eat at a time like this?!"

Was really glad to see this come back. I dig a lot of those 'Hulu Originals' - incl. the recent 'Deadbeat' - about a large high medium.

I'm reading REAMDE right now, and I'm wondering how none of Neal Stephenson's books have never been made into a movie.


:) Read it, and became even more agreeable!

Haven't read yet, but I agree with the hate and really think Coogan is awesome. If you like him and haven't seen his series Saxondale on Netflix, check it out - pretty funny.

Definitely… 3 3-hour extravaganzas will make a shedload more money than a couple rinky-dink two hour movies (which is all it would've taken to do a faithful adapation, if you ask me)!

Yeh, his tilt-a-whirl battle axe maneuvers almost made that sequence worth it!

Follow around Bard and his adorable family, then elves and Orcs show up to battle in Lake Town, with two sick hobbits in tow, so people remember this subplot has *something* to do with the original story. Man, I'm not even a huge Tolkien fan - I liked the Hobbit (book) - but there was more in that second movie *not*

Nah, you assume too much, maybe you should get some rest. I actually went to his solo acoustic show a few weeks ago, hoping to come away a fan, but not so much.


I was going more for a who's on first monologue, but sure, I'll take that.

I was trolling just a bit - I do like some of the Melvins that I've heard, but for me, it doesn't seem to translate to acoustic very well. It's also very possible I'm just getting too old for r'n'r (see, I won't even go to the trouble of spelling it out.)

I think I'm immune to his charms for some reason, being a fan of old fashioned things like musical talent and songwriting..

Seeing him this Saturday night!

The better of the two '98 asteroid movies.. because, Tea Leoni! durrr

Well, the first guy she 'cheered herself up' with (and wasn't that great how matter of fact she was in setting that up?) ended up dead.. so the assistant should consider herself lucky!

I will watch this big, dumb mess… for some reason the trailer/commercial grabbed me. Also, really like Gillian in the Fall.

Just re-watched the finale. I don't mind the leap that Hart made about the paint job. Sure, it's far-fetched but Rust said the word 'green' and there was a connection that he made in the moment, and it eventually bore fruit. Along with the fact that a montage of them pouring through evidence would have been

Thanks for the warning. I'm looking forward to reading his Abonimable soon.