
Their whole subplot was silly but that last scene between them was so sweet and sincere

Teri Hatcher is going to need some dental work after chewing all that scenery

Well, she isn't President YET, you never know on Homeland ;)

I did enjoy Harper's small story this episode. We all like to think we're badass like Octavia and compassionate like Clarke, but in reality, a lot of us in Harper's position would do the same thing: want to help, and kind of try to help, but ultimately flee for safety.

I do feel like the show has a lot more momentum every time Kirkman and Wells are in a scene together.

I did appreciate that they played up the Kara Meets the Royal Parents dinner party for comedy instead of having the prince reveal be some life or death, parents destroying Earth plotline

It struck me when she was telling off HR and when she stabbed Savitar that Jesse really is more badass than Barry and Wally combined.

I immediately thought OF COURSE Cheryl would shine to JJ's baby. I'm surprised she didn't say something totally inappropriate. "Polly, you're carrying both JJ's and my DNA, it's like the three of us are having this baby"

Sounds kind of Black Mirror but I dig it.

This show is batshit and I'm completely here for it

100% here for Diane and Marissa. Any of our favorite recurring guest stars (Kurt, Elsbeth, Nancy, Patti, Caitlin, all the judges) are icing on the cake.

Loved how Clarke dismisses Octavia's stone-cold, bad-ass murder of Pike as completely justified and understandable. Clarke and the writers know what's up.

The CW is good at scheduling programming around to make everything fit (think how many veterans are returning midseason this year). Frequency and No Tomorrow are dead so that helps. CEG's survival depends on how strong the pilots are looking for next year and how much money it is losing once streaming is factored in.

I could see him being very book-smart and just terribly flustered when human interaction is involved.

I'm still pleasantly surprised they showed a chastity device on basic cable

Jesse Quick is a fun addition to the team and injected some much needed levity into the show. How long until The Flash messes up and gets rid of her?

I wish Michael said he and Eleanor were like Chandler and Phoebe so we could get a "The One Where Everybody Finds Out" style keeping secrets-bluffing-kissing standoff.

/the only Berlanti show still worth watching unless The Flash redeems itself

Does anyone think Lena actually hired the assassin (whether he knew it or not) to kill herself knowing it would make her look good after Supergirl saves her? It seems a little too risky especially in the helicopter but it all worked out so perfectly for her and she is a Luthor after all…

I'm a #BlackfishTruther and refuse to believe he died off screen.