
I think they bill Diana Rigg as a guest star so that she can compete in the Emmys in the Best Guest Actress category instead of the Best Supporting Actress category, which would put her up against the many other terrific actresses of this show and also against Emilia Clarke.

It's pretty clear the writers Zoom was bullshitting his plan as he went along and changing it as needed to suit the plot.

I see no reason why Lowell couldn't have had an identical twin, who is also a zombie. Make it happen Rob Thomas!

Loved how Octavia just drops the mic after killing Pike.

Meh, it's come to the point where I just put this on while I'm doing chores around the apartment. How far this show has fallen.

I'm really hoping this convinces ABC to let the show end soon. Making S6 the final season (and deciding this early enough in advance) would be great, or a final 11-13 episode S7 since each season is really two half seasons these days anyways. After this rather borderline finale I'm not sure how much longer I can keep

They should just bring Snart (and Stein) back to the Flash so I can drop this show with no regrets.

This episode was kind of a snooze. I can only watch so many Barry-needs-a-42-minute-pep-talk episodes before it gets repetitive.

The only other main character to get a good story in 5B has been Zelena. Rumple gets lots of moments when he talks about doing things and it almost seems like something will happen but guess they're just saving it all for the finale.

The plot in 4A doesn't make a lot of sense but Elizabeth Mitchell is terrific. 4B is fine with a lot of decent individual episodes with fun characters, but doesn't come together well until the (excellent) 2-part finale. 5A is one of the most ambitious half-seasons with a great premiere and just ends in a really

In order to embrace his "Inner Light" and use magic to defeat Darkh, Oliver has to win Felicity back! Otherwise, he has too much darkness in him from all the broken Olicity feels. Excuse me while I go vomit.

Some of the visuals on this episode were terrific. Rupture's scythe, Zoom killing everyone at Jitters and hijacking the media (Trump-style!), Cisco's expecto patronum, and Barry's face being melted away. Yikes!

12 Monkeys is certainly one of the better sci-fi/genre shows out there. Sounds like some commentors aren't enjoying this season so far, but I've found the raised stakes and new Cassie/Cole dynamics to be thrilling.

It was probably a mistake to premiere the second season 15 months later, especially since it didn't show up on any streaming (and Hulu isn't exactly Netflix) until just before its premiere.

My reactions while watching:
"Caitlin and Killer Frost are HILARIOUS together, can they become best friends and team up?"


*pours one out for Killer Frost, the best character of S2*

After the first 2 episodes this season, I could definitely see Amanda Schull as Black Canary in the Justice League movies or a Birds of Prey standalone film if DCEU ever gets there. I would be equally happy if Cassie time travels to 2016 Toronto to fuck everybody up on Suits.

The fact that you think Clyde was actually in the fridge the whole time just shows how good he is at spycraft. He had us all fooled!

One theory is that Selyse really did see the true Melisandre but was horrified, but as a true believer she still couldn't turn away. Their conversation after all was about how she had to use potions and tricks to convince false men and such. It's just us viewers who didn't see Mel's true form.

Between the opening scene and that nice dialogue at the end, I want a Harper/Miller/Brian sitcom spinoff of them surviving in the woods.

Jones' glee at obliterating the hooded person with the time machine was delightful to watch, as was bad-ass murderin' Cassie.