
If nothing else I thought the fight between Monty's mom and Octavia was beautifully shot.

It seems wasteful to me to pay the actors to appear in the guest cast and then not use them for more than being lookouts in 30 seconds of screentime. Would definitely like to see both of them in the main cast if they survive the season.

We don't actually know that the earrings made the difference. It's entirely possible that she would have had the stubbornness and willpower to resist Myriad all on her own, and that's what I'm choosing to believe.

I'm so sad about the missed opportunities too, but I take solace in knowing she got to literally tear her dad to shreds before getting offed herself. It's all she ever really wanted. And I am totally following Leanne Lapp to whatever shows she ends up on next.

Julia asking for a memory spell to block and replace her trauma is seriously heavy stuff. Did not need to watch this before going to bed. Damn this show is something else.

Or the murdered on Arrow, as it were.

On the other hand, I had high hopes for Annalise and Eve. But since Famke Janssen is going to star in a The Blacklist spinoff (wtf???) I guess it won't happen.

The problem with Iris West is that the writers give her nothing to do. It's the same problem as Laurel's story in Season 1. I haven't seen Candice Patton in anything else but I'm certain the problem is the writers and not the actress. Everything that happens to her is just dumb or boring, except Earth-2 Iris rocked

Arrow Grave Predictions Thread:

I think that tells you more just how bad most of these season has been aside from Damien Darhk's scenery-chewing.

I'm waiting for them to use The Lion King. I can't decide if I want them to cast people or to go all out on the god awful CGI.

Depending on how the end of this season shakes out, Arrow may go on "try to give it one last season to show improvement before dropping forever" list. Season 9 was Supernatural's last chance for me and it failed. Sleepy Hollow is on that very list right now but is probably cancelled anyways. Couldn't even make it

I think the flashbacks were worse overall in S3 but they also had Tatsu. This season the flashbacks have … the island?

My favorite part is the snarkiness with which Laurel objects to the defense attorney

The sad thing is putting Olicity together didn't have to ruin Felicity's character if it were done without all the melodrama. But given that the writers barely have time to give Laurel or Thea (or Diggle or Lance for that matter) proper plots, it's unsurprising Felicity has only had one longish-lasting non-romance

I'm starting to worry/hope that with all the death/resurrection type stuff going on in the flashbacks, that whoever is in the grave doesn't actually permanently die. The flashbacks have to tie back into the main plot somehow, right?

…the plot feels thinly spread to you? I still think they're packing about 30 episodes of plot in the 19 episodes they have this year. This episode alone felt like a season finale.

I'm watching mainly in anticipation of Ann and Damien banging, which of course will be part of her plan to impregnate herself with a Melisandre-style shadow baby. Their baby will be named Damiann.

Yes, yes she would. She was clearly imagining the possibilities while admiring her copy's ass.

Ah yes good catch. Although I would not be upset to spend half an episode watching Margo skulk around the physical kids' house stage whispering "preeeeeeeeciouuuuuus"