
I thought he was applying to a tech school and that's what the project was for, but I may have misheard.

Mostly I was impressed with how many laptops he had to design his biodiesel turbine engines given that he was spending his time drag racing to pay for his mom's medical bills. Or maybe Joe bought him a laptop or two to try to reduce the angsting.

Thank you Eliot and Margo for finding excuses developing challenges that require these attractive young adults to take their clothes off.

Frenemies with benefits.

It's very difficult and requires a deal of flexibility but it's possible. Or maybe Ms Hudson or another Irregular stopped by for a non-cameo.

I think it's less spinning its wheels and more filling out its ridiculous syndication-mandated 24 episode order. Every season has good material (even season 2) but there's a lot of fluff in between.

There have been Mom threads on TBBT's reviews?!? I've missed out on so much!

Only problem is that Pike doesn't have quite as much charisma so far as the wonderful Michelle Forbes did.

This felt like The 100: The West Wing edition with all the back-channeling and diplomacy. Also glad to see the story coalesce at Arkadia with Jaha's return and the internal rebellion forming with Abby, Kane, Clarke, and Octavia.

Earth-2 Jay moved so fast that he created multiple echos of himself. The "real" Jay is the one in the iron mask, the evil echo is Zoom, and the memory-modified echo is the Jay who traveled to Earth-1 and bonded with Caitlin, but was being manipulated by Zoom the whole time to get Velocity 9.

Haven't read the books either, but I find the show intriguing enough. These kind of overstuffed episodes are normal growing pains for most sem-serialized, non-prestige cable shows.

I would be happy if every episode featured Eliot teaching Alice how to get sloshed. Now that's a college education!

Sherlock and Watson have one of, if not the, best platonic friendships on television. Lucy Liu's glee during the "you like like her" scene was infectious. While other areas of the show come and go, the Sherlock/Watson dynamic is fantastic.

For the first time I might dread hearing any news that Natalie Dormer returns to Elementary…

Clexa storylines, awesome fight scene, abrupt kill of the Ice Queen = A.
Fact that other dumb plots took away some screentime = notch down to an A-.

Right up there with the best episodes, along with (in chronological order) "The Man in the Yellow Suit," "Out of Time," "Tricksters," "Fast Enough," and "Enter Zoom."

They meet every week to play board games, drink wine, and watch Game of Thrones.

What's funny is that if Earth-2 Barry is a regular, non-speedster civilian, then Earth-2 Bruce, Hal, and Diana probably all are regular civilians too. Wouldn't make any sense for Earth-2 Barry to have the numbers of all the superheroes.

I half-expected Lexa to rise and say "and now, based on Grounder traditions, we are married." Also, Lexa is totally rocking the one-shoulder pad armor outfit.

Thought the first half of this episode was hilarious, and everyone pitching in at the end to comfort Jessica was very touching. Excellent episode and a great return for the new year!