
Caity Lotz also clearly is better at selling a fun character game for kicking ass and taking hits names compared to the occasional inner darkness, traumatized thing she had to try convey in S2.

The oven is actually a great way to reheat many foods (microwaves often heat unevenly or start cooking the food again), but at lower temperatures, like 250 degrees.

Most minor of nitpicks, but does anyone reheat food in the oven at 425 degrees? Isn't that hot enough it's recooking?

I was taken aback to see her outside of Star Labs with someone other than Jay. What a sad state this season is for her.

I'm hoping that with Patty shoehorned all the way to Midway City and Legends of Franchise-Building behind us, we finally kick into high gear with Earth-2 plots. Now if only Caitlin could have a plotline…

Only because last week's episode was actually a D.

Zoom is actually Earth-2 Patty because she grew sick of being trolled by cliches.

This episode just twisted the knife with Patty's departure for dumb Superhero Secret Identity Protection Reasons. Barry really comes off as a coward for being unable to open up to Patty like that even after she figured out he's the Flash.

I love when Elementary delves into political topics and was glad to see recognition of the nuance of having so many players. Reminds me of Moriarty's Macedonia/Greece currency trading scheme in the S1 finale.

The twist reveal later this season is that Clyde faked his hibernation and was out making deals for port revitalization and ending wars the whole time.

You mess with Team Flash, fine. You mess with Iris, good on you. But you mess with motherfuckin Joe West, and the AV Club will cut you down.

My hope was that they kept the Patty story going on so long that they were waiting to see how fans responded to the character, and if everyone liked her (which most of us do because she's awesome!), they would let her know the secret/join Team Flash.

Elsbeth is coming back this season, maybe she can hire Grace and Marissa as her investigators.

Viewership levels are higher on Sunday but there's more competition both from broadcast and cable, and also CBS has NFL overruns in the fall. Sometimes the 10 PM show doesn't even start until after 11 PM.

Agreed, Elementary is going to the syndication farm to die, but that probably means at least a season 5, if not slightly more. And if the show gets six seasons in its run, that's pretty solid for me. Just bring back Natalie Dormer before it finishes!

It's refreshing to see a procedural that ascribes some weight to the victim's dying words on a voicemail, at least by the end, instead of just using it as another clue. Stay classy, Elementary.

Totally forgot about that one! It was when her brother was having an affair. Thanks for the reminder. I stand by though that they should come back more often, Sherlock can't hog all the family melodrama

I would honestly like it if they just brought her mother and brother back every once and a while. We haven't seen them since Season 1!

Season 6 culminates in Dar Adal and Saul using FBI office politics to fight each other for Carrie's heart. Fortunately, Homeland decides to bring Astrid on full-time, and she and Carrie run away together in the series finale.

12 Monkeys really is excellent. It definitely evolves into its own distinct show separate from the movie and is a lot of fun.