
At this point I suspect most of us fans will take their POI fix wherever we can get it. But agreed a mid-season Wednesday spot would work out quite nicely, definitely beats a burn-off treatment.

So if Limitless holds up enough for a full season, are we thinking Person of Interest returns on Wednesday at 10 PM? We could get a Person of Interest vs The Americans face-off! Who would win in a fight, Shaw or Elizabeth?

I'm pretty sure most of us like S4 of Homeland, particularly after shit hit the fan around "There's Something Else Going On." And the S5 trailer looks pretty good, it's entirely Dana-free!

Are people actually tuning in for S7 of The Good Wife? Between Kalicia-gate, all the cast changes (so long Finn, we hardly knew ye!), the overall decline in the back half of the season, and that truly awful, condescending, insulting Kings interview, I could not be more bummed for another season of this show. Maybe

I cannot express how terrified I was that when the camera was panning out from the house to the dead body, that it would Eve's. So glad it's that awful prosecutor lady instead.

The Mindy Project started out along these lines - focused on the personal lives of the staff of an OBGYN practice with only occasional focus (at best) on any patients or medical cases.

POI was pretty shaky the first 5 episodes or so before really taking off. I don't doubt that Blindspot has a lot of potential, it's just a question of how good it gets (if it all) and how quickly it gets there. POI by midseason was an entire other class of show.

I'll give this show the Homeland rules: Masters of Sex gets the chance to prove its worth with a resurgent season 4, or else it's out.

And the one with the gorilla with the low libido. Don't miss that one.

Question about Shelby - how is redacting her parents' deaths in 9/11 a particularly challenging investigation? Googling her name will show who her millionaire parents are, and googling the parents would show that they were 9/11 victims. Can I be an FBI agent now?

My theory is that he's faking being gay so that people don't investigate him as closely. He hasn't had sex with any of his exes and he was very interested in Nimah. The fake-gay guy is the terrorist!

My friends and I burst out laughing when Zelena actually cut her hand off to remove the cuff. The effects were so bad, she just reattached her hand to her sleeve with no blood anywhere! It was hilarious and perfect and why we watch this show. That, and the dwarfs' speech about wanting to be included on adventures.

I did think Hook named the nurse as Nurse Ratched, which surprised me.

Elizabeth Mitchell is always great in whatever she does.

Max from Happy Endings (played by Adam Pally). He's generally a mess and tries eventually to find that super serious relationship, but fails. Otherwise he's just out to get his.

I think Jessica outdid Ross Geller in the getting your money's worth at the hotel department and it was awesome.

I had forgotten about her since her Without a Trace days until she showed up on Broadchurch as well. Between her and Jaimie Alexander, I'll tune in for a while to see if the show lives up to its potential.

I felt zero menace because I was laughing my ass off that they cast the President's son from The 100 in this. The guy actually pulls off awkwardly creepy really well if they give him the chance, but he's probably just the first villainous pawn in a Mythology of villainous pawns.

Having just gone through an audit at work, hearing that any organization has trouble finding its records may be the most realistic part of the new fall TV shows.

To be fair, there's a difference between how a show is written and how it is promoted, with the latter being directly up to the network. Creepily sexual promos just tell us that NBC is full of weirdos with boundary issues, which we already knew.