
CW shows need to get on the whole upping recurring females to regulars thing. The 100 and Arrow also have fan-favorites that need to join their casts full-time.

Whatever happened to Michelle Forbes? Wasn't she supposed to be in this season as Marianne?

It's amazing how the CW coverage changed so dramatically. It used to be TVD and Supernatural first, and maybe Nikita or Gossip Girl or something after. Now everyone wants The Flash, The 100, Arrow, and iZombie (and probably JTV too although I haven't scoped its reviews out). All relatively new blood, or brains if you

I'm surprised the Iron Bank hasn't moved in on this business opportunity. Although many theorize that the Iron Bank and HoBaW are two sides of the same coin, so maybe that's why they're really doing it.

And it lives on in the songs of Das Sound Machine and the other bards and minstrels.

Don't forget about Qyburn! Many people have made that mistake, and now they're experiments in his laboratory.

My non-book reader friends all thought she would sacrifice Shireen so it must have been hinted at earlier. Mel has gone on about the importance of Shireen before and how they *had* to bring her to the North.

Those commies, always messing things up.

So how do we want Sansa to kill the Boltons? I'm thinking slit Roose's throat (RW irony), push Theon out of the tower window (just to end his well-deserved misery at this point), and lock Ramsay in the bedroom and burn the castle down?

Recasting Gilly's baby would spark a fan backlash that pales only to the backlash against the inevitable Ser Pounce recasting. We don't care if he was a diva on set, bring him back or we boycott the show!

I don't think Margaery is as much a schemer as she is a charmer. She's great at executing Olenna's strategies and making pretty much everyone except Cersei love her, but they're mainly Olenna's strategies nonetheless. But anyone who can calm the Joffrey's of the world still plays the game pretty well.

Indira Varma earned her keep with those badass shoulder pads earlier this season.

I think it's because we're spending all our time with the Faith or Cersei in the Hand's chamber. Gone are the days of Olenna and Varys strolling through the gardens, or Shae and Sansa talking beside the water.

Pretty sure he's going to stumble across Gendry rowing by the end of the season.

Season 5 plot rankings thus far:
1. King's Landing - clusterf*ck crazy train edition
2. Braavos - house of assassins edition
3. Volantis/Valyria/Meereen - off to see the wizard queen edition

Really hoping Margaery makes it out alive this season because Dormer is a super star. I just want to see Margaery and Olenna travel across brothels and taverns, putting everyone down with sass.

"but without it the Dorne plot just ends up a sexualized question mark." - one of Oberyn's favorite sex positions!

You need to go with something in a completely different direction. Like Xena the Warrior Princess or Legend of Korra.

For Game of Thrones, there's also c) how much (s)ass is Lady Olenna going to kick this week? Based on the promos, it may just be the Queen of Thorn's turn to shine, thank the Many-Faced God.

This is why I was surprised they didn't kill off Captain Lance. He doesn't really have any sort of character arc for the next season unless he decides to openly and knowingly work with the Arrow/Black Canary/Speedy/Nyssa/et al.