
I was hoping the finale would be bad enough that I could drop the show for good. It was as bad as I expected, and I am FREE AT LAST!!!!!!! TAKE THAT GOTHAM! YOU DON'T OWN ME ANYMORE!

I'm not sure if it's a bad actor or bad writing or both. Probably both. More Alison and Helena please, less of the rest of this crap.

At this point I'm treating midseason finale as the season finale. The Kitty arc was the best part of S3 and the rest was mostly okay to pretty good episodes of the week. And the Andrew/Elana episodes.

Lucy Liu has one of the best eye-rolls on television.

And Joan also refuses to talk to Sherlock because she knows he would spoil the show just for kicks.

When the big fight broke out with Nyssa, Lyla, and Maseo all there, I thought "OH SHIT a recurring character is going to die!" Glad Nyssa and Lyla made it out alive.

We need her to stay on Arrow as a regular in Season 4. #Lyssa4eva

Barbara was hanging from manacles instead of suspension cuffs for hours? Ouch she had to be sore. I'm surprised the show didn't treat the set with the nuance and detail that it has for the writing.

Watching the two of them fight at court is one of the story arcs I've looked forward to the most in the whole series. Just bring back Olenna and Ser Pounce and it will be perfect!

As someone who has watched more Criminal Minds than he would care to admit, I urge you to resist. Elementary is a class above shows like that.

Season One was so great, I'm just going to pretend this season never happened, let alone Season Three. As far as I'm concerned Joe Miller was convicted and then suffered daily beatings in prison for being a cowardly child-killer before taking his own life.

The nice thing about Laurel on the Flash would be that it frees her from most of the melodrama she's been saddled with on Arrow. I'm not sure her abilities would fit with the Flash's on the average case of the week though.

What she did was like a reverse-date rape. Have sex with someone, THEN drug them and kidnap them.

Yeah the photo had all the actors and actresses reading the scripts so I thought it was because they were in the same scene but then I realized they probably just do that for every episode and she could just be in flashbacks.

It also doesn't help that aside from her relationship with Donna, by trying to make Felicity the de-facto female lead, they only gave her romantic interests and Taking-Important-Moral-Stands instead of actual character growth or story arcs.


I'm hoping that since the showrunners basically said S3 was in many ways a new chapter akin to starting over in S1, S4 will build on S3 the way S2 built on S1. At this point I've already written off S3.

Probably. Next week we'll see Liv walk in on her mom and Blaine having afternoon tea. No, that was not a euphemism.

Laurel, Thea, Nyssa, and Donna Smoak have been the few bright spots of season 3 of Arrow.

I think it's been mentioned a couple of times with the Arrow during those Starling City TV News reports.