
I thought I saw Eddie just up and take a box with him on his way out, which definitely earns him points in my book.

We only saw the first picture, maybe there were more underneath. Like an entire superhero black leather X-rated fetish series.

Maybe that's what Laurel is really like when she isn't interacting with anyone else from Arrow.

Vera Farmiga brought the sass tonight and it was glorious.

Right? They should just kill off Skye and make Bobbi the female lead. Now you have one great show instead of two probably mediocre, fractured ones.

The continent is called Essos. The region of Essos is Slaver's Bay. The city is Meereen. Any of this names will suffice. Sorry for being an asshole but Game of Thrones geography is serious business.

Ugh. The show gave us no reason at all to care about Joe Miller. He just sits in the glass box and looks shifty and pathetic. I hope that if he's found not guilty that Reverend Paul strangles him or something because he really is the worst.

Pretty much only watching the flashbacks for Tatsu at this point.

At this point half of Seattle is part of Blaine's zombie conspiracy.

The occasionally okay Fish Mooney and Penguin moments, an episode or two of Alfred badassery, and Morena Baccarin's face. Other than that the show is a lot of yelling about gang wars, murders, and corruption, Barbara being even worse than Iris, and dialogue that makes tonight's bee puns look subtle.

Maybe it's like peeing while getting drunk, once you open the floodgates, there's no going back…

He didn't need to literally buy a restaurant for dinner in order to fly a super suit.

He's creepy, possessive, stalkerish, annoying, way over-the-top, self-involved, and way too flashy about his wealth. Brandon Routh does his absolute best, but even he can't save this awful character.

Guys I don't know if I can watch the team-up spin-off thing. Ray Palmer really is terrible.

We all know that the finale will somehow be legitimately okay, not good mind you but just okay, to the point where we will convince ourselves it's worth watching season 2 because of the improvement at the end of season 1. And then season 2 will be even worse than season 1. And we'll be trapped forever in a cycle of

I and likely most other viewers have moved past anger, bargaining, and even depression. We're mostly at acceptance by this point.

Shhh…12 Monkeys needs the page views if we want to keep getting 12 Monkeys reviews next season.

That fits with TV Rule #1: Unless you see the clearly dead body of a clearly dead person after clearly dying, they probably aren't dead.

Evan was actually the worst. Maybe he'll be better/drastically rewritten for future appearances. Bring Peyton back!

He started planning all of this before Liv even became a zombie.