
My hope is mainly that the rest of ABC's comedies crash and burn. Then, like a phoenix, Trophy Wife rises from the ashes. Malin Ackerman pushes Rebel Wilson into a speeding bus, and the post-Modern Family slot is bestowed upon the rightful freshman comedy at midseason. Suburgatory joins at the 8:30 slot, and all is


I disagree. I found this to be by far the best episode of the series. While the reasons for hosting Regina at her home were somewhat forced, Christy's emerging empathy for others struggling with addictions was sincere. And honestly, Christy, Bonnie, and Regina were a hoot. I would much rather watch Christy and Bonnie

Anna Camp is a revelation. I hope she returns to the Good Wife sometime soon.

Agreed. Personally I think Season 1 is overrated, at least when people complain about S2 or S3. S2 tried some interesting arcs, many of which worked (Mulan/Aurora, Cora) while some didn't (Greg/Tamara, Lacey). Also, we have less Henry now. Just saying.

I didn't miss it, I was just so surprised and gleeful to see the writers actually go through with it. A lot of people have been shipping them. I would say the clues were mainly Mulan's protective attitude towards Aurora, even if it was initially in Phillip's honor, as well as the scene where Mulan put Aurora's heart

Agreed. Unless that was the first time he admitted to himself that Neal is dead. I can't remember if he's dealt with that at all. Henry is such a Believer, he must have thought Emma and Neal would get back together and they would Live Happily Ever After together as one big fairytale family. Recognizing that won't

You're not alone (unless you heard the Piper's music). I enjoyed last week's episode the most this season, but in general I would say this season has been very structured. You can tell the show is setting up every character's motivations for whatever happens in the last few episodes of this arc.

I'm glad we got some backstory for Neal and Pan. Neal has largely been underdeveloped and this took some important steps to fixing that.

I think it's more likely that Peter opposed the legislation but supported the right of the Governor to push through such legislation. Remember how the Democratic Senators fled the state and hid in Illinois to avoid a quorum? Peter probably would have supported the integrity of the executive, legislative, and (in the


I don't know if they had scenes in previous episodes, but Elsbeth and David Lee are hilarious together in the promo for tonight.

This was actually one of the best coming out stories in primetime television I've seen. Mulan develops genuine feelings for Aurora over a long time, and finally admits it to herself. She clearly struggles with being in love with a woman but decides to embrace it because True Love (Disney).

I think that's largely the idea. Between having Abigail sacrifice herself for him and having supporters like Sherlock to call upon if needed, they're hoping they can prevent history from repeating itself.

You indeed should prepare for disappointment. Korra the character has been just awful. Some of the new supporting characters are great though. And the most recent episode showed some improvement.

From what I understand, they are usually part of divorce or pre-nuptial agreements. Otherwise they may include provisions regarding drug or other criminal activity. I'm sure the actual contract clauses are well-defined since they are heavily negotiated for executive compensation.

According to a press release, episode 6 is going to focus on Captain Gregson. I too am looking forward to more stories from the two of them.

There is a crazy photo on Korra's Facebook page. I don't even know what's happening.

*getting caught* shoehorning your boss's corpse into a gimp suit.

I'm not really bothered by this. Sometimes episodes will focus on Sherlock, sometimes they will focus on Watson like with her patient's son. You're absolutely right though that the show can afford more Sherlock-Watson moments.