
Benanti was great. This reminded me of the post-Super Bowl episode with the profiler that Sherlock had a past with, except this was much, much better. I miss Go On, it was a nice little show.

She was really aggressive with the Mock Turtle. I was expecting the more stereotypical sweet-talking to convince it to help her, but instead she wrangles it and threatens to cut it like a bitch. Bad ass Alice is the best Alice.

Somehow I doubt that one assistant district attorney commandeered an entire city's police force to the point where they couldn't prevent other crimes. If that squadron is all that's left of the SCPD, we've got much bigger problems here!

Tommy was important enough that the Vigilante tried to save him and arrived only minutes too late. Laurel found out that the Vigilante fought Merlyn after the fact, presumably when Merlyn turned up dead. Clearly, had the Vigilante not spent time fighting Merlyn, he would have arrived in time to save Tommy. Since Tommy

You know, I'm beginning to worry that there is a reason for the repetitive fighting between Cam and Mitchell: a runaway groom situation to mess-up and call off the wedding. If her dads do split up, I'm sure Lily at least will take it in stride.

She doesn't blame him for the earthquake. But consider that the Vigilante was maybe 5 minutes too late to save Tommy. Killing Merlyn certainly took more than 5 minutes. Had he gone to the Glades instead of killing Merlyn, Tommy would still be alive. Simple as that. The Vigilante COULD have saved Tommy IF he didn't

*was* freaking awesome

True, but she doesn't know that the Vigilante warned her father. He called Laurel to tell her that he loves her, but as far as she knew, deactivating the device was police business, not Team Arrow business.

If nothing else, Kelly Hu kicks some serious ass as China White. Like damn, her fight sequences are some of the best of the series. Her best performance so far was the episode where she tries to assassinate Malcolm Merlyn and wears the black wig over her white wig. I think it was Dead to Rights.

There was also Laurel's line about the Vigilante seducing Roy if you need more inspiration.

I think Laurel's point actually makes sense. Did killing Merlyn actually save any more lives? Or would the Vigilante's time have been better spent trying to save more people? Killing Merlyn was more about justice and retribution, unless he had additional plans that he was going to enact in the near-term. I'm sure in

That Abaddon and Dean scene was quite something. Reminds me of the original Ruby.

Simmons (along with May) is my favorite of the whole group. But I guess I'm a complete sucker for the quirky female nerd agents. Especially ones with British accents.

Agreed. Fitz and Ward playing poker was nice. More pairings like that are needed.

There was a funny moment in the second episode (the first with the new daughter) where she walks in wearing different clothes and Pete says "Who are you and what did you do with my daughter?" Heh.

I really like this show. It's so cute and funny. I think I like every single character, which is amazing because normally I hate everyone. Meg was the one I was most worried about but she manages to fit in well enough.

Trophy Wife is my favorite new show but also the one most likely to be cancelled with its bad ratings. The Tomorrow People and the Crazy Ones are also good if you like CW shows (like Arrow, Supernatural, Nikita) or miss Buffy and don't hate Robin Williams.

Not enough Mother.

But can you see a half-naked Mrs. Stinson?

Based on the promos the poker game in HIMYM will in fact turn into strip poker. Donna Bowman should be interested.