
Not amahzing. I can't wait for the Neighbors to tank to CW levels next year when it moves off of Wednesday night.

This has been a great day. Go On is the only one to be cancelled on me, and I can live with that.

I really hope that's the theme song for Almost Human. Are we human, or are we android?

Is there some rule against mentioning that Nikita is also on tonight? It doesn't do much worse than Touch and yet you mention that…


Oh and Mrs. Sutter was played by Francie Swift, who was on Gossip Girl, Damages, and the Good Wife amongst other things.

Myles, you nailed it on every point. This was beautifully rendered. I too thought it might be a hallucination, but Irene probably just didn't hear Watson if the music was real and actually coming from the room. Once Irene turned around, Joan's gaze stayed fixed on where Sherlock was pointing.

Alaric and Lexi are back? Bonnie is dead? Rebekah slaps Caroline? The little moments here were fantastic.

This episode could have been good. Too much Jeff, Abed, and pointless dream moralizing. Needed more Terminator: The Annie Edison Chronicles.

Love this season, loved this episode, and loved Amy as usual. I don't care for Lucy but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and see where her character goes.

Hey don't hate on Reid.

Shows CAN be syndicated with less than 88 episodes, but it is more profitable to have at least 88. That's why this doesn't make sense to me unless WB really doesn't anticipate much syndication profit at all.

The 100 and the Tomorrow People sound good. If the Carrie Diaries renewal came at the cost of a shorter Nikita order, I'm going to be so mad.

Sadly, if they renamed it that, it would probably get higher ratings

Those, FX, USA, TBS, TNT, and HGTV. Love me some House Hunters and House Hunters International.

I loved that line too. "Who the Hell Is Felicity Smoak" would have been a great episode title. I wonder if people are going to suspect Felicity of being the Hood…

Is the triangle people are discussing the Oliver/Laurel/Tommy triangle or the Oliver/Laurel/Felicity triangle? It's the former, right? Because I don't care about that one as much as the latter. It's really more of a quadrangle….right?

My memory is a little fuzzy, but who did Friends do it with? Fun Bobby? I don't think anyone felt threatened or replaced by him the way they were with Grant on HE or Teddy on MF

Put the virgin down, Castiel

Felicity has millions of male fans, me included, but she's also extremely socially awkward and shy. I remember at one point she mentioned to Oliver that she's alone and wishes she had someone to talk to, and he tells her she can always talk to him. I imagine that her anxieties have sabotaged previous crushes from