
I don't think Felicity is lusting so much as she is totally infatuated with him. She's the awkward IT nerd who probably doesn't meet a lot of guys, and the legendary Oliver, the playboy who could have anyone, not only visited her for help but actually showed trust and confidence in her to bring her into his missions.

I'm glad they pulled the Oliver and the Hood can't be the same person stunt again. Suspicion is bound to shift back to him, and this helps to avoid that, at least for Moira.

I thought he kind of called Manny out on this. He said "I don't have time to be your sidekick" or something to that effect. I also loved how he was immersed in his own issues and binge-eating with nobody knowing or sadly even really caring what was going on.

Happy Endings already did this with Everybody Loves Grant.

Bumped it up to a B- for having scenes at my college. On that note, I have never seen a Columbia party that big or wild. But Katie, if you're looking for a change from the frat scene, I'm here for you.

@avclub-11997aab46c754fb90f36b9d8e4eaf99:disqus While Cersei's children are Robert Baratheon's heirs, Tywin still needs Lannister heirs. If Jaime never has children, Tyrion's children would be the heirs of Lannisport. At least I think so, I'm not entirely clear on the rules of succession.

The Mindy Project: "tonight's episode involves a battle with the midwives" - Thank you for letting me know ahead of time to lower my expectations for this episode.

"A gorilla suit and a blonde wig. Have you used either of these in the last year?"

I've read it more as a Republican In Name Only sort of deal. Fitz and Cyrus routinely mock conservatives and have only campaigned for socially liberal causes so far, to the extent where Fitz really comes off more as a Democrat than a moderate Republican. It feels more like Fitz was never even conservative to begin

I don't know, I think OUAT understands that many of its viewers are cynical nerds who will empathize with Regina. I can't be the only who enjoyed watching her traumatize Greg. They also frame a lot of Regina's relapses as misinformation or miscommunication leading to somebody doing something to raise red flags with

Welcome to Storybrooke, Alaska. Because Maine wasn't cold or secluded enough.

@avclub-327af0f71f7acdfd882774225f04775f:disqus As Cersei said, Joffrey wouldn't dare try anything of the sort while Tywin is around and Tywin wants Sansa because she is the key to the North. Although I do want to see Tywin join in on the family tradition of slapping Joffrey…

As long as they don't turn a giant wheel to literally move Storybrooke…

I can't stand Fitz. He grew a little more tolerable later this season when he started to actually stand up to a few people, but this guy is a whiny sleazebag and more annoying than anyone on Grey's Anatomy ever was. And I've yet to actually see anything Republican about his administration, which has focused almost

Yeah, I think the marriage itself would be pretty terrible. But this is what, her third engagement? What are the odds of it actually happening? And it still beats Joffrey. At least Tyrion won't use a crossbow on her. Either way, I trust Tyrion with Sansa more than I trust Littlefinger. He's the one who really betrayed

I really like this home-office plot, especially the idea that magic has been eradicated before in places besides Storybrooke. It all also reminds me of the Others on Lost as well as Charles Widmore trying to find the island.

While I can understand why Sansa is upset, I don't think Tyrion is the worst person to be engaged to. He cares for her enough to have Shae look out for her and probably has her interests in mind more than the Tyrells do. Sansa doesn't see it that way, but still.

The episode was boring for me. It didn't feel like it was setting anything up, just recapping everything that already happened.

As others have said, Disney owns ABC, allowing them to produce OUAT. Likewise, Disney owns Marvel, allowing them to produce the upcoming SHIELD, or Agents of SHIELD, or Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, or, as I suspect the final title will be, The Publicly-Traded Walt Disney Company's Marvel Entertainment, LLC's Marvel

I would totally watch Happy Endings on one of those Christian cable tv channels. They could program it along with prayer services and call it their Amah-zing Grace night.