Ricky Dorner

This reminds me of the NAMBLA-episode of South Park. The NAMLBA guy makes a passionate defense on his behalf, but the rebuttal is always the same. . .

The video on Adult Swim from Comic-Con was fantastic. I heard Brock might not show until the second half of the season though.

New York CIty in the Marvel Universe (616), and I would want to be a building contractor because that city is destroyed every other week.

Thus, I am hoping the Dark Avengers beat the crap outta 'em this summer. I will not be satisfied unless Osbourne shaves Beast.

Uncanny X-Men has been pretty bleh since Messiah Complex—so its had at least one bad year and counting. They are just sitting around San Francisco holding hands and talking about their feelings. And I am pretty sure 90% of them have Dazzler and Pixie singing and dancing.

Stewie on steroids because he was beat up by a girl. . . shoud have transitioned to making fun of the UFC and UFC/bodybuilding culture. . . He could have started to wear Tapout t-shirts, have disgusting protein shake farts, take over an entire weight room doing 25 sets of cleans, and then get a tribal arm

I was really expecting Kyle to declare bankruptcy after putting everything on his AmEx, but I have to admit the Obama gag was better.

Not an exact quote:

Like Top 5, but nothing tops "There is no such thing as Scotchtoberfest!"

BTW, I still think "Bart's Girlfriend" is one of the most quotable episodes in Simpsons history…

What comes first…Rabin's Simpsons reference or the article? Discuss.

I haved had "Carol Brown" stuck in my head for the last two weeks, but "Too Many Dicks" is the best so far. . . it just needs to be longer though.

Iron Man/Dark Knight
If you bought Iron Man on blu-ray at Target, you could get like a Iron Man-mask case that flipped open like in that movie Iron Man.

I think I commented about this on the Monday, but OJ clearly has the greatest gearshift in terms of life story.

This must be the Skrull Black Bolt, the real Black Bolt just started taking over Kree space…

Another one is where it goes from Homer's Internet page to the Prisoner island.

Actually, I think the episode when Ned and Homer's Vegas wives come back after the family retreat is the greatest gear shift.

Now, the greatest gearshift in a Simpsons episode…

Fight Club…
So does Fight Club not count? Or is just not great? It kinda changes direction…from weird to weirder…I can see why its not on the list now…alright good talk, see you out there…

Spurgan the Morlock? Did he keep or lose his powers after M-Day?